Racing Ahead Magazine

It suffers the same problem as all monthly magazines, the delay between writing the articles and the publication date.

So as a source for winners it suffers from that problem.

It used to be a decent read but I finished contributing a couple of years ago.:whistle::)

The editor is/was a member on here and The Racing Forum.

I think I have some old copies somewhere, I could send you a couple if that would help. (PM me if you wish)
What Colin means is that he was barred from ten courses after getting totally snockered in the OTs Bars, shouting abuse at jockeys and finally - the last straw - taking a flying leap onto a novice hurdler and racing him round the parade ring, knocking over the Clerk of the Course and three security men.

That's the real reason he's no longer with Racing Ahead. Sorry, Colin, but sometimes the truth just has to be told...
What Colin means is that he was barred from ten courses after getting totally snockered in the OTs Bars, shouting abuse at jockeys and finally - the last straw - taking a flying leap onto a novice hurdler and racing him round the parade ring, knocking over the Clerk of the Course and three security men.

That's the real reason he's no longer with Racing Ahead. Sorry, Colin, but sometimes the truth just has to be told...

That's the style!!! :adore::adore: