Racing Post Online - Article Comments


Senior Jockey
Nov 14, 2006
Undoubtedly the most ill-informed and irritating things you will ever read as horse-racing 'opinion' on the Internet. I can only get through about two of them (on the very rare occasions I can bring myself to look) before I have to stop, for fear of punching a hole in the monitor.

Is it just me?
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The Betfair Forum is full of nutters, DG........the people who comment on RP articles appear to be fuds.
I think I got to three or four the first time I read them a long time ago. I haven't looked since.

It's like those inane comments they stream across the bottom of the screen on the ML. Idiots looking for their 2 seconds of fame.
I'd never heard if the word Fud so I googled it

"Your a fud"
"I rolled over in bed and accidently kneed her in the fud. She woke with a scream and punched me in the balls" :ninja:
Could be worse Grass.

Maybe it's just the sadist in me but having normally read them online (feck knows why, possibly sympathy) I tend to find myself subconsciously re-reading them during the following morning's commute, as the less flatulent of them often make it into that days newspaper.
There's usually a character limit on these types of controlled postings (the twitterisation of the communication culture) so there's a limit as to what sort of quality you can expect from them. If you limit people to X number of charcaters you start to invite banal or abusive postings, or trolls of course. there really ain't much you can do

I'm reminded of a persona that Phil Waters told me he used to run on TRF. It was a north London greek kebab shop owner who would pick out a horse that had won every Saturday at about 10/1 and after time it. He said it used to drive them mad. This character would keep popping up claiming victories and laughing at their losses whilst always making up some kind of excuse when ever he was challenged to punt something in real time
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Crazy guy...... Must have had a packed social life zzzzzzz

They're all idiots on there though.
RP onmline undergoing some kind of upgrade until the month end, and available without logging in - ironically, it's a lot less messy than the usual paid-for service, too.
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