Racing uk. A questiojn and what a shambles they are


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
I want to subscribe online for a couple of months. Reasonable enough given time of year

Nowhere on the site does it tell me whether online is a "minimum period" as per Sky

No where on the site does it tell me how i can cancel

No where on the site is a contact number to call re online subscripstions. you have to email them (and wait a week for a reply no doubt)

Call other contact numbers and they "dont know".

Complete muppets

But can anyone answer the above given its beyond the actual service provier?
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Sorry to hear this Clivex but it will be in the small print somewhere.

There is no way a big company like RUK wouldn't cover themselves in the T&C.

Just a pain in the arse when they don't make it clear for customers.

I wouldn't mind seeing RUK go bust personally.
I don't think they do short term subscriptions, but there's a Kauto Star offer if you fancy him winning the GC! Offer
They were doing month to month subscriptions when I last signed up.They are terrible for moving the goalposts.
Eventually found out that online can be month to month and was told that they have been working on customer help page "for a few months"

how long does it take ffs?

Very poor stuff


These are the terms and conditions relating to your Racing UK digital satellite television service subscription.

We are Racing UK Limited. a company registered in England & Wales with company number 4809913, registered office: 10th Floor, Met Building, 22 Percy St, London W1T 1BU (“Racing UK”). Reference to “Racing UK”, “we” or “us” in this Contract shall be read as references to Racing UK. You can contact us at the above address or at Racing UK, PO Box 26853, Kirkcaldy KY2 9BG, or call in the United Kingdom, 0844 855 2977 and in the Republic of Ireland, 0818 776 700.

1. Definitions

Address: your home address in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland.
Channel: the Racing UK channel available to you on television.
Conditions: the conditions in this Contract set out below and any changes we may make to them in accordance with this Contract.
Contract: this contract (including the terms of any Option chosen by you), authorising you to
receive the Service for private viewing on television at the Address only within the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
Digibox: an authorised satellite decoder using Sky’s digital conditional access (encryption) system.
Minimum Term: the minimum term during which you are obligated to first subscribe to the Service under this Contract which minimum term shall be a period of twelve (12) months from the date on which you first subscribe to the Service unless otherwise agreed in the Option chosen by you.
Option: any of the purchase options we offer from time to time.
Service: the Option chosen by you. If during this Contract you wish to change your Option and we
allow this, the Service is the new Option you choose.
Sky: British Sky Broadcasting Limited.
SSSL: Sky Subscribers Services Limited.
Subscription Payment: the payments you must pay us to provide the Service.
United Kingdom: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and
the Channel Islands.
Viewing Card: the card that will allow you to receive the encrypted digital satellite services (such
as the Service) when used with a Digibox.

2. Subscription Payments

(a) Unless otherwise agreed you will be charged for the Service from the date your Digibox is
enabled to receive the Service under this Contract.
(b) You must pay us Subscription Payments in advance for the Option that you have chosen in
your Contract. For Direct Debit, Debit and Credit Card payments we will collect the amount due
automatically from your account each month (or as otherwise agreed in your Option) after we have enabled your Viewing Card to receive the Service.
(c) We may change your Subscription Payment at any time by giving you at least one month’s notice. Your rights to cancel the Service if we increase your Subscription Payment are set out in Condition 8(f) below.
(d) Your Subscription Payment may change at any time if you change your Option and you will immediately pay the current price for that new Option from the date you change your Option.
(e) We may also charge any other payment due under this Contract under your Direct Debit, Debit, or Credit Card instructions together with any other payments which you agree that we may charge under that instruction.
(f) We may alter your Direct Debit, Debit or Credit Card instruction if your Subscription Payment changes for any reason.
(g) We may refuse your application for subscription to the Service based on the results of an assessment of your credit standing using credit searches. We may from time to time assess your credit standing during your subscription; we will apply reasonable practices for the administration of your account based on the result of that credit search, including if we believe it is reasonable applying different payment terms to your account. We will notify you in advance of any change in payment terms. Your right to cancel in the event of any such change to payment terms is set out in Condition 8 below. We may use information from, and supply information to, outside agencies for this credit searching.
(h) A reasonable non-refundable registration fee notified to you or publicised on our website and/
or our marketing from time to time, if applicable, shall be paid by you with the first Subscription Payment due for the Service under this Contract. Also we can charge a reasonable non-refundable administration fee if you want to change your Service and we allow this. Such administration fee will be notified to you or publicised on our website prior to being applied to your account.
(i) If you have missed any payments you owe to us, we can suspend provision of the Service without giving you notice. This does not affect our right to end the Contract under Condition 8 below.

3. Channel and Programming

(a) We can replace or withdraw advertised programmes. We can change, increase or reduce the
number of hours of the Channel. We may encrypt or unencrypt the Channel at any time.
(b) We can vary the Channel and vary or withdraw the Option you have chosen.
(c) If such changes are significant you may have a right to cancel under Condition 8(f) below.
(d) This Contract does not authorise you to receive any pay-per-view services of any kind.

4. Extra Channels

We may offer you extra channel(s) as part of the Service. If any increase in Subscription Payment
would result from the addition of extra channel(s) we will notify you in accordance with Condition

5. Liability

We will not be liable under this Contract for:
(a) any fault in a Digiboxor television set you use;
(b) any fault in your Viewing Card caused by your tampering with it, your negligence or failure to
follow our instructions or these conditions;
(c) use of a Viewing Card with any decoding apparatus we do not authorise;
(d) the ending by you or us of this Contract in accordance with Condition 8;
(e) our failure to provide the Service caused by events outside our reasonable control; and
(f) any loss or damage caused by us or our employees or agents in circumstances where:
(i) there is no breach of a contractual obligation or a legal duty of care owed to you by us or by any of our employees or agents;
(ii) such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach; or
(iii) such loss or damage results from breach by you of any term of this Contract.

6. Copying and copyright

(a) You must not do any of the following:-
(1) Copy, redistribute or relay the Channel or any part of it or otherwise deal with the Channel or any part of it.
(2) Produce, supply or otherwise exploit any programme, service or content (whether audio or
audio-visual or otherwise) using the Channel or any part of it or otherwise use any part of the
Channel for any commercial purpose whatsoever;
(3) Sell or make any charge for watching the Channel or any part thereof;
(4) Show the Channel in any business premises (including, without limitation a public house, office, club, hotel, guest house, or similar premises) or show the Channel in public to an audience even if no charge is made, or otherwise use the Service or any part thereof other than to view the Channel in private for non-commercial purposes at your Address in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland:
(5) Show the Channel in any licensed betting shop or other venue where bets are taken in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland; or
(6) directly or indirectly use or permit the Channel to be used by any person for the purpose of or in connection with any betting operation or producing so-called "off-tube" commentary.

(b) Any of the foregoing will be considered a material and serious breach of the Conditions

(c) We may disable or alter remotely certain functions of your Digibox so as to prevent you from
copying the Channel and we may prevent you from receiving the Channel if your Digibox allows
copying of the Channel which we are bound by contract to prevent.

7. Changing the Conditions

(a) We will give you at least one month’s notice of any changes or additions to these Conditions.
We will not use this right to vary the terms of any special offer which applies to you, and which you have accepted during the term of the offer.
(b) All changes referred to in this Condition 7 will be posted on Racing UK’s official website (www.
(c) Your right to cancel if we make any significant change to the terms and conditions of this
Contract are set out in Condition 8.

8. Ending the Contract

Unless Conditions 8(a) (b) or (f) apply, this Contract will stay in force for at least the Minimum Term.

The Contract will otherwise continue unless it is ended according to the Conditions below.
(a) If we reduce or vary significantly the total amount of programmes available on the Channel
within, or the level of service of, your chosen Option, or change the terms and conditions to your
detriment, you may end this Contract by giving us a minimum of one month’s notice in writing or by telephone within 30 days of the change in programmes or level of service or terms and conditions as applicable.

(b) If you break any of the Conditions of this Contract, or act in a way towards our staff or agents
which we reasonably consider to be inappropriate we can immediately terminate the Contract at any time (including during the Minimum Term). We can also terminate this Contract at any time (including during the Minimum Term) if we cease to broadcast, distribute or otherwise supply the Channel for any reason. If we do this during any Minimum Term and the effect of this change is to reduce significantly the total amount of programmes available on the Channel within, or the level of service of, your chosen Option, you may end this Contract by giving us one month’s notice in writing or by telephone and if you have paid annually in advance then at your request, we will refund you a pro-rata amount of any Subscription Payment in respect of the period after the date of cancellation.

(c) Except where you break the Conditions of this Contract, or where we cease to broadcast, distribute or otherwise supply any Channel for any reason, we will not terminate this Contract during the Minimum Term. We may during that period and later vary this Contract and the Service in the ways described in this Contract. We may terminate this Contract after the Minimum Term by giving you two months’ notice.

(d) If you or we end this Contract, we will block the entitlement to the Service on your Viewing Card and you will not be entitled to receive the Service.

(e) We will not refund any Subscription Payments or other payments made under this Contract if
we end this Contract because you have broken the Conditions. If during the Minimum Term you
end this Contract (other than when you have a right to do so) or we end it because you have broken the Conditions, you will have to compensate Racing UK for any reasonable loss or costs we suffer as a result which loss or costs shall include without limitation all Subscription Payments payable by you to Racing UK for the full Minimum Term.

(f) Notwithstanding any term to the contrary set out herein you shall have the right to terminate this Contract on one (1) month’s prior notice to us in writing or by telephone during the Minimum Term for the following reasons only: (a) if within any Minimum Term the Subscription Payment shall increase for any reason described in Conditions 2(c) and/or 4 or (b) if during the Minimum Term, the amount of Programming shall change for any reason described in Conditions 3(a) and/or 3(b) and these changes amount to a significant reduction in the Service provided.

(g) Once the Minimum Term has expired you may end the Contract by giving us a minimum of one month’s notice in writing or by telephone.

NB When the Contract ends for any of the reasons set out above, you will no longer receive the Channel either on television (or online if you have paid annually in advance.).

9. Right to Transfer the Contract

You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this Contract to anyone else. We can transfer some or all of our rights or obligations to another person firm or company if this transfer does not affect the Service in a negative way.

10. Notices

If you give a notice that is required under this Contract it must be in writing or by telephone. If we give notice that is required under Conditions 2(c), or 7 of this Contract we shall only be required to post this notice on our official website ( If we give notice that is required under any other Condition of this Contract it must be in writing.

11. Data Protection

To allow you to receive the Service it is necessary for us to use and share the personal details
you provide us. Where you have given us your consent we may use and share data for marketing
and research purposes and we may pass such information to companies other than those set out
above. You also agree that we may use and pass information to other companies for use in making credit decisions, for fraud prevention and to pursue from you any sums owing by you to us under this Contract.

12. Your Viewing Card

(a) Your Viewing Card acts as a key so that you can unlock (unencrypt) the Service. Having the
Viewing Card does not mean you have a right to own the Viewing Card after it is sent to you and
does not mean you have the right to receive the Service. The Viewing Card remains the property of SSSL. If Racing UK or SSSL asks you to, you must return the Viewing Card after the Contract comes to an end or if Racing UK or SSSL requires you, to return it when it sends you a replacement.
(b) Only you may use the Viewing Card which Racing UK or SSSL sends you. You can use the Viewing Card at your Address only with the Digibox in which it is first used to receive the Service and you must use it for private viewing purposes only. You must.comply with the Conditions set out in Clause 6(a).
(c) If you give the Viewing Card to anybody else Racing UK or SSSL can make it invalid and/or terminate the receipt of the Channel.
(d) You must not tamper with the Viewing Card or Digibox or use it for anything that Racing UK or
SSSL do not authorise.
(e) In order to continue to receive the Service without interruption your Viewing Card must be kept
in your Digibox at all times and you will need to keep the Digibox connected to a mains supply and suitable satellite dish and in standby mode when not in use. You must allow Racing UK or SSSL to update the software in your Digibox by sending additional signals via satellite to your Digibox. The software in your Digibox remains SSSL’s property.
(f) Racing UK and SSSL shall be entitled to disclose your name address and the Services you receive via the Viewing Card as part of the proper administration of the digital satellite system.
(g) Your Viewing Card must not be used outside the country (either the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland) it was supplied for use in and any change of Address must be notified to Racing UK and SSSL immediately.

13. Law

(a) This Contract is governed by the laws of England. Any dispute can be dealt with by the courts in England and Wales.

(b) This Contract only applies if your Address is in either the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. If you move home from the United Kingdom to the Republic of Ireland you will not be entitled to receive the Channel.