

At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
I was on that new horse sales website,, last night and they had an interesting broadcast on it. They are trying to do their own breeze up on 1 June (I think). What do people think of this operation? I've been in contact with them and they seem ok. I've got the syndicate business up there. Just wondered what others thought of it and the breeze up innovation.
I've just had a look and it's absolutely fine for a business like Winning Ways. However, I was very disappointed by the level and quantity of information available for specific horses for sale, and I would be very reluctant to buy a horse unseen via an online auction.

I think they will struggle to get this off the ground and I can't imagine it creating too much traffic and I'm not quite sure how people are likely to find it either unless they read this!!!

From your perspective it's less of an issue as you are buying from the Land Rover and people know the basis they are buying in, plus you've already got a good rep with the likes of Inca and Kimberlite (good luck with him monday at the Curragh by the way!).

Without going back in to look again I can't remember whether you put a link into your website, and if you didn't you perhaps should as it gives people the sort of detail they need to make a decision. I'd also be inclined to give them some sort of contact number if its practical.
sounds fairly interesting but not sure it'd catch on - noone in their right minds would buy a horse without seeng it in the flesh or having their agent or whatever do so and examine it all over. it is madness to do otherwise, like playing russian roulette
I'm sure you can go and check the horse and I think there is a few weeks between the video of the breeze up going up and the sale date so you have time to go and see them. I think the buyer has another opportunity after sale to vet it. I did ask the question of them of how exactly they would stop someone from doing a deal outside the website e.g. if they just called me. They said there is an element of trust there but think they need to get the volume up first. I think it will be useful for anyone whose horse does not reach reserve etc and they want to try to get rid of it.
you're no doubt right - if theycan find someone who'snot too fussy tobuy it! even though youcan see the animal beforehand i would want to see it on theday i bid on it too