Registering New Members


At the Start
May 2, 2003
This is a request to any new members signing up; it is something we are going to try out for a bit to see how it goes. Basically it is a way of making life easier to spot the spammers.

So anyone who signing up to Talking Horses needs to put the code “Z123” before their username. So if I am registering again, I will register Z123Galileo but when cleared it will be Galileo.

So anyone signing up from here on in needs to do this or else you might be missed in the validating process. Plus anyone mentioning this place (which is always appreciated) to any friends, colleagues or anyone else, who might be suited to the forum, might just point this out to them.
Given events of today no new members will be cleared until Col and the mods are happy that the forum is safe and secure. Apologies for the likely delay for anyone signing up.