Richard Hughes


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Not a comment on his riding styles or abilities, but rather the piece the BBC did on him today. Showing the wasting, the sweating and the diet...granted he says he absolutely loves what he is doing etc, and he is well paid and rewarded for it...but you cannot help but wonder what physical problems he will have in his later life. The sort of punishment he is putting his body through must take its toll eventually if he stretches his career.
Is it also worth considering how on top of his game he can be mentally when doing all of that wasting?

I know I feel light headed if I skip breakfast and lunch - what must he be like? It does beg the question are some of his more high profile errors (e.g. today's on Youmzain, giving up a perfectly good wide berth to get boxed in) down to being mentally weak as a result of starving himself? George Baker is another tall lad and sometimes his judgement is called into question. Could there be a link here?
If you think about it. your body and your brain need 'feeding' with the right nutrients etc in order for them to function properly. If someone is putting there body through the things that Hughes has to do, it amazes me that they can do anything let alone ride in races.