Richard Johnson jailed for racial assault on Indian Jockey

Would have been a bit harsh, even if he had been calling Indian Jockey a black bastard.

He was of course bay.
Glad they got well done anyway, the little horrors. I know most of Stan's lads and they are a charming, hard-working and cheerful, thoroughly pleasant lot - wherever they come from. Makes you shudder, such things going on in a multi-everything village like Lambourn. How on earth did they learn such attitudes!

The 'joke' is a bit OTT (of course it is - it's An C's!) but I'm glad to read the report as I missed it LOL
Shame they can't name the younger lads, I would put money on one of the 17 year olds being my ex's brother. One things for sure there is a great deal of hatred towards foreigners from the local youths who think they are gangstas. My ex (the lovely guy that he is:rolleyes:) got locked up overnight for "paki-bashing" he lobbed a brick through their window after they started on him in the pub (mind u if they'd been white he'd have done the same)!!! Well known fact, it is a small village and the young people finding it harders to get jobs and its difficult to get places to live as trainers are employing foreigners because they are cheaper.
Well known fact, it is a small village and the young people finding it harders to get jobs and its difficult to get places to live as trainers are employing foreigners because they are cheaper.

We had an influx of people over here who where pulling the same dastardly scam. They called themselves Polska and camouflaged themselves in white skin. To make things worse, in general they worked harder than us ,where well educated, and ever so polite...cunning bastards.

Most of them have gone home now but not before cleaning up .....metaphorically and in real terms.
We had an influx of people over here who where pulling the same dastardly scam. They called themselves Polska and camouflaged themselves in white skin. To make things worse, in general they worked harder than us ,where well educated, and ever so polite...cunning bastards.

Most of them have gone home now but not before cleaning up .....metaphorically and in real terms.

Sheikh I have worked with Poles, Russians, Indians, Brazillians, Swedes, French .... (the list goes on...) please don't infer as if im racist, you don't know me.
Sheikh I have worked with Poles, Russians, Indians, Brazillians, Swedes, French .... (the list goes on...) please don't infer as if im racist, you don't know me.

Sorry Love, I wasn't trying to do that at all. I was just taking the piss out of racists in general....I really don't get the whole racism thing.

You where merely stating a fact which others take as a reason to beat people up.I get it !
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Not at all suggesting that you are, but working with people of different nationalities is no proof at all that one is or is not racist.
Headstrong asked,

Makes you shudder, such things going on in a multi-everything village like Lambourn. How on earth did they learn such attitudes!

All I was doing was pointing out the reason why many of the youngsters in the village have those attitudes. I couldn't give a shit where people come from, unless it affected my job or the job they do. The brazillian lads were a hoot to have a night out with and live with but couldn't look after a horse to save their lives.....FACT!! One thing I didn't like was many of the indian men had very little respect for women and that is not just my opinion, and at times it made it very difficult to work alongside them.
I can quite understand why the youth of Lambourn get frustrated, and there is little for them to do except hand around the marketplace and get into trouble. I think there is a new Youth centre being built which may help - however it would help more if teachers and ESP parents would encourage them to have bit of self-dicipline and self-respect, and encourage them to try to get on with other people. Boredom is no excuse for racialist attitudes and ESP violent behaviour

The fact is, the foreigners are taking jobs a lot of English kids are not prepared to do! - they are often shy of hard work. There is a minimum wage in racing yards and all are paid at least that, so the point over foreigners working for cheaper rates doesn't apply, in Lambourn at least.

I'd like to see anyone in Stan's yard treat a woman with disrespect LOL - Sara, secretary Hannah and Head Lass Nikki are a formidable trio!!
There's a minimum wage everywhere, of course - how much does the lowest Lambourn stable-lad wage go above it?
I don't nkow what the national minimum wage is, so don't know how to compare it to racing wages, I found this from the NAOSS shows how minimum wages are worked out.

edit : Those wages are for 40 hours per week, i'm sure that is a bare minimum of hours worked a week in any yard. Don't nknow how the consolodated wage applies now there is a minimum wage, im not sure what the overtime rate is but you could very well have been working 48 hours a week but only be paid for 40.

Headstrong you are wrong that all foreign workers receive the same as British. To head up the grades you have to do NVQs. I know 1 trainer who has a stable full of russians and Indians because he can get away with paying them less and putting them in crappy accomodation (at least this was happening 2 years ago because I did some office work for him).

Yep a lot of the youngsters in Lambourn don't want to work with horses, cos gangstas don't do horses. But the accomodation thing does get a lot of peoples backs up, the locals have the right to live somewhere, more than the staff in the yards.

Thats ok for Stan, he does have very few female/english yard staff however, I doubt the trainers wife and head girl would be pesertered for "jiggy jiggy" and be touched up at work as happens in other places.
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Based on that, the stable staff hourly minimum wage beats the national minimum by just 7p for 22 and over, 6p for 18-21 and 4p for 16-17.