

At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Does anyone know of site/ library where I can browse ringtones, without havign to enter my number first and then get bombarded by messages please. I'm only after TV/ Film themes, please?
If you've got an MP3 phone I find the best way to get decent ringtones is to use one of the songs you've got downloaded onto your MP3 player. The opening bars make fairly good ringtones - examples of ones I use are The Riverboat Song, Mr Jones, Recovering The Satellites, Jerk It Out, I Predict A Riot, Mr Brightside amongst others. They sound a bit less manufactured! Jerk It Out is a great one - although a couple of the lads in the office got me to bluetooth it to them & now when the song blares out three of us reach for our phones! (although I've changed mine to Recovering The Satellites having got fed up of trying to guess whether or not it's my phone ringing....)
I fear you're dealing with someone who doesn't really know what an MP3 phone is Shadz. In fact I couldn't even tell you want model the phone is, as there's no number on it. Its a blue Nokia? with a spirit level in the top left hand corner. In the finest tradition of silly middle aged male delusions, I was only after a certain vampire slayer :shy: but can't find it anywhere, and I don't believe for one second it doesn't exist :confused:
Erm, a blue Nokia doesn't really help m'dear!!!! Does it play songs? ie can you download songs onto it and use it as an MP3 player? If you can't then my post is no good to you I'm afraid!
I've found something under 'services' called 'tone downloads' that sounds like it should be relevant? but MP3 doesn't appear on the menu. I've succeeded in downloading a recognisable but not brilliant ringtone