RIP Dr Ian Paisley

I've often thought that when Gerry Adams dies the shopping centre in Warrington should be renamed the Gerry Adams Memorial Shopping Centre.
I've often thought that when Gerry Adams dies the shopping centre in Warrington should be renamed the Gerry Adams Memorial Shopping Centre.

No. They should name it after the single mother of 12 that he ordered (just ordered????) the execution of.
Have you ever had an opinion that couldn't be confused with something from a comic book.


It was the biggest cert ever that you would crawl onto this thread Gerry
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At least the Women and Children victims of the IRA would be well away from it eh??

Pales in comparison with the deeds of your soldiers.

Bigotted racist trolls like you will never admit that of course.

Unlike you, I hope all those who committed atrocities are burning down there. It's called being a decent human being.
I read what I believe is the definitive book about the man 20 years -Paisley by Ed Moloney and Andy Pollack.With all the talk about militant Islam at the moment some of his quotes over the years have been interesting to say the least -saying Catholics breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin would get you a prison sentence these days.
His quote about line dancing being sinful shows how far removed he is from the modern world.
In his defence he did have the good sense to try and create a legacy by getting behind the peace process late in the day.A friend of mine who is connected to the other famous man to come out of Ballymena often made the point that even as a Nationalist/Republican if you approached him in relation to his parliamentary duties he would do his best to help.
If there is a heaven or hell I don't think there is anyone on this forum apart from Harry who is qualified to say where he will go.
No. They should name it after the single mother of 12 that he ordered (just ordered????) the execution of.

It's very good of you to remember Jean McConville- maybe one day you will remember Ismail Mahmoud Bakir 9, Ahed Atef Bakir 10, Zakariya Ahed Bakir10 and Mohammad Ramiz Bakir 11.
Pales in comparison with the deeds of your soldiers.

Bigotted racist trolls like you will never admit that of course.

Unlike you, I hope all those who committed atrocities are burning down there. It's called being a decent human being.

Bigoted Racist Troll?

You've excelled yourself there!

IRA victims pale into insignificance in comparison with the deeds of "My Soldiers"?

You call yourself a decent human being?
Dream on sunshine ;)
Yes but you are too much of a simpleton to work out what I would say.

Luke, I couldn't give a toss about anything you say, you should know that after all these years;)

Now all you IRA supporters can have this thread to yourselves.
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Luke, I couldn't give a toss about anything you say, you should know that after all these years;)

Now all you IRA supporters can have this thread to yourselves.

Harry -does your inability to debate the facts make you angry -I think you are a very angry person who will get angrier after a couple of bottles of wine tonight.
Bigoted Racist Troll?

You've excelled yourself there!

IRA victims pale into insignificance in comparison with the deeds of "My Soldiers"?

You call yourself a decent human being?
Dream on sunshine ;)

I am not condoning their acts. And what i said is a fact, British soldiers over the years have been guilty of horrific acts, going back hundreds of years, across many countries and continents. Is that not true?? You post on here to get a reaction out of people, so by definition that is trolling. And you continue to have a go at Irish people, and tar us all with the same brush. Again, by definition, bigotry. So what have i said that is wrong? Is it the racism part your upset by?

Nothing their to question my character or decency. Stop twisting and trolling. Is this how you gain satisfaction in life? Maybe you should seek some help. Its a poor trait in a person.
Pales in comparison with the deeds of your soldiers.

Bigotted racist trolls like you will never admit that of course.

Unlike you, I hope all those who committed atrocities are burning down there. It's called being a decent human being.

Fcking rubbish.
I am not condoning their acts. And what i said is a fact, British soldiers over the years have been guilty of horrific acts, going back hundreds of years, across many countries and continents. Is that not true?? You post on here to get a reaction out of people, so by definition that is trolling. And you continue to have a go at Irish people, and tar us all with the same brush. Again, by definition, bigotry. So what have i said that is wrong? Is it the racism part your upset by?

Nothing their to question my character or decency. Stop twisting and trolling. Is this how you gain satisfaction in life? Maybe you should seek some help. Its a poor trait in a person.

Yes you are you

Every countries soldiers have . But somehow ....

"Pales in comparison" with letting off a bomb in a crowded pub?

No fcking way

Will remember that if the UDA blows uo your family in your local
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Bigoted Racist Troll?

You've excelled yourself there!

IRA victims pale into insignificance in comparison with the deeds of "My Soldiers"?

You call yourself a decent human being?
Dream on sunshine ;)

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I never thought you would agree with him...

Setting off a bomb in a pub or invading a country and murdering all before you?

They are both terrible acts. I should clarify that when i said "pales in comparison" i meant numerically.

And still the fact that I dont condone any of the acts is being ignored. As it is convenient to the argument.
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Yes you are you

Every countries soldiers have . But somehow ....

"Pales in comparison" with letting off a bomb in a crowded pub?

No fcking way

Will remember that if the UDA blows uo your family in your local

No im not. Not anywhere. So dont put words in my mouth.

Ive no idea what to make of the last comment to be honest. Bizarre and disturbing I suppose.

I shouldn't have bitten in the first place. The ignore button exists for a reason. Best we all use it.
So ian Brady was not so bad because he didnt kill more than 5 or whatever it was?

Want to go back in history to justify?

Weren't there a few Irish tribes that "murdered all before them "?

Not having it.