Road rage....the police response


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
It all happens in Sunny Somerset!
The road (about 500m) outside my house has been closed to install fibre optic broadband (which none of us actually want.....:whistle:) for the past two weeks. It’s a B road but there’s a fair bit of traffic. On the 5th, the second day of closure, the digger was left across the road so it really was impossible to get through. But the detour is only about five minutes extra so not a huge problem. Except that to some is. So they kept removing the barriers and driving down only to find...ta da! Yup impossible. So they were turning around in my gateway and several were backing into the gates. So I got a bit fed up. I walked up and down replacing the barriers amidst a fair amount of verbal abuse. On this Friday afternoon, a woman in a pickup did exactly that...removed barriers, drove down, had to turn round. I shouted at her “which part of Road Closed do you not understand?” Red rag to a bull! Some verbal abuse I got. And she drove off.

Then last Friday....I was just explaining nicely to a man that yes there was a huge great trench which it wasn’t advisable to drive his brand new Lexus over....he was fine, turned round and drove away. I walked up the road...again to replace barriers. A pick up was speed. Now I couldn’t see driver at this stage, So I waved to indicate it was impossible to drive through. It accelerated and drove deliberately at me. I got out of the way and it was Road Rage Bitch.
She obviously had to turn round (you would have thought she would have learnt by now?) and goes to drive off, wheels spinning, then stops, reverses and gets out accusing me of throwing something at her. Zero proof but she comes at me, phone in hand videoing me and screaming like a banshee. I do not respond apart from telling her to get off my property as she is forcing me back against my gate (within my curtillage). My mother hears the noise and appears. She does the same to my mother (who is 76) shouting about an inch from her face....certainly not social distancing and my mother has zero immunity. She called her a stupid old bat. I walked off to get my phone to take a photo of her car and do admit that called her the C word. (She did earn it...).

She tells us she’s called the police. Fine I said. She then accosts another driver who has just appeared saying they are witnesses?! To what? (I actually spoke to this poor lady and asked if she had seen and she was completely flummoxed)

I actually called 101 when I got in and put a report in in case anything else happened. They asked if I wanted to take it further but I said no because I thought it better to leave it. CPS would do diddly squit anyway.

Roll on to today. I went out to lunch to celebrate Porlock Bays win with connections. Came back and the police had called my mother to caution her and speak to me. Road Rage Bitch had sent them video. OK my mother did say she’d break her phone if she didn’t desist from screaming in her face and to get off our property but only after five minutes of verbal abuse forcing both me and her back against our gates. I have just spoken to police woman. I asked her if she knew that I had nearly been run She did admit that she had just been made aware of my report but hadn’t read it....So I said you believed this woman who was breaking the law by driving down a Road Closed? Not once but twice. She said Oh well, lots of people do that! Erm? Not the point. So I asked if it was OK for a 30yo woman to be abusive to a 76 year old pensioner? I will wager that Road Rage Bitch had spent a considerable time editing her video so she looked in the right. I cannot believe they were so taken in. The fact that we were getting cautioned and yet she hadn’t even read my version which went in on the day of the incident not several days later.

OK rant can all step down now...:lol:
I had a less dramatic road rage incident with cyclist today.

I had just parked not far round a corner and was about to get out but realising I was close to the corner was extra careful, checking my mirrors and looking back. All clear so opened the door just as a cyclist sped round the corner and had to swerve to avoid my door. He stopped sharply and gave me a mouthful so got one back.

Instead of just moving on, he decided it was a good idea to keep the argument going, telling me I had no right to park there as it was a double yellow line, which it clearly wasn't. I dismissed him with a derisory comment about cyclists knowing everything and walked away.

My wife says at this point he started taking photographs of the car and its position on the road (very close to the kerb) to which I was obviously completely oblivious.

Now that you've mentioned photoshopping, I'm wondering if he'll go down that route to add in some double yellow lines.

What a wean-brain.

What really did annoy me was that a number of years ago a colleague was killed cycling into work not far from there. A car driver opened his door and my colleague swerved out to avoid it, right under an overtaking bus. So ever since then I've always been ultra careful about bikes when opening the car door.
It all happens in Sunny Somerset!
The road (about 500m) outside my house has been closed to install fibre optic broadband (which none of us actually want.....:whistle:) for the past two weeks. It’s a B road but there’s a fair bit of traffic. On the 5th, the second day of closure, the digger was left across the road so it really was impossible to get through. But the detour is only about five minutes extra so not a huge problem. Except that to some is. So they kept removing the barriers and driving down only to find...ta da! Yup impossible. So they were turning around in my gateway and several were backing into the gates. So I got a bit fed up. I walked up and down replacing the barriers amidst a fair amount of verbal abuse. On this Friday afternoon, a woman in a pickup did exactly that...removed barriers, drove down, had to turn round. I shouted at her “which part of Road Closed do you not understand?” Red rag to a bull! Some verbal abuse I got. And she drove off.

Then last Friday....I was just explaining nicely to a man that yes there was a huge great trench which it wasn’t advisable to drive his brand new Lexus over....he was fine, turned round and drove away. I walked up the road...again to replace barriers. A pick up was speed. Now I couldn’t see driver at this stage, So I waved to indicate it was impossible to drive through. It accelerated and drove deliberately at me. I got out of the way and it was Road Rage Bitch.
She obviously had to turn round (you would have thought she would have learnt by now?) and goes to drive off, wheels spinning, then stops, reverses and gets out accusing me of throwing something at her. Zero proof but she comes at me, phone in hand videoing me and screaming like a banshee. I do not respond apart from telling her to get off my property as she is forcing me back against my gate (within my curtillage). My mother hears the noise and appears. She does the same to my mother (who is 76) shouting about an inch from her face....certainly not social distancing and my mother has zero immunity. She called her a stupid old bat. I walked off to get my phone to take a photo of her car and do admit that called her the C word. (She did earn it...).

She tells us she’s called the police. Fine I said. She then accosts another driver who has just appeared saying they are witnesses?! To what? (I actually spoke to this poor lady and asked if she had seen and she was completely flummoxed)

I actually called 101 when I got in and put a report in in case anything else happened. They asked if I wanted to take it further but I said no because I thought it better to leave it. CPS would do diddly squit anyway.

Roll on to today. I went out to lunch to celebrate Porlock Bays win with connections. Came back and the police had called my mother to caution her and speak to me. Road Rage Bitch had sent them video. OK my mother did say she’d break her phone if she didn’t desist from screaming in her face and to get off our property but only after five minutes of verbal abuse forcing both me and her back against our gates. I have just spoken to police woman. I asked her if she knew that I had nearly been run She did admit that she had just been made aware of my report but hadn’t read it....So I said you believed this woman who was breaking the law by driving down a Road Closed? Not once but twice. She said Oh well, lots of people do that! Erm? Not the point. So I asked if it was OK for a 30yo woman to be abusive to a 76 year old pensioner? I will wager that Road Rage Bitch had spent a considerable time editing her video so she looked in the right. I cannot believe they were so taken in. The fact that we were getting cautioned and yet she hadn’t even read my version which went in on the day of the incident not several days later.

OK rant can all step down now...:lol:

Send this to the PCC for your area. Long story won't bore you with, but after notifying PCC, Chief Constable, and local MP for a friend who's son was in a hit and run except we knew it was the taxi driver who had just dropped him, off, the PCC came straight back to us and got the police to actually do something, whereas previously they had told my friend, to go to taxi rank and ask if any CCTV available herself to try and identify the driver. I kid you not. By time the police investigated log of taxi rank had pages missing for that day, CCTV pointing in wrong direction ...... I feel a bit sorry for the police as they are massively understaffed but.... in this case I would say let her pursue it and see her in court and then sees what happens when she tries to defend being in the road in the first place. I would also suggest she's local and uses it a bit so,.....get number plate and get her! Cow. Not you obviously! Hope your Mum okay - things like can really shake someone up .
I seriously doubt it would get to court despite the video “evidence” I presume PC local has gone back to RRB and said “don’t worry, we have cautioned these nasty women and they won’t bother you again if you ever need to drive down a closed road again....”
I had already reported her with number plate in photo plus supposed witnesses car plus number plate so they can trace both. The fact was that I didn’t want to pursue it any further as I doubted that the CPS would remotely deem it worth their getting involved.
What really annoys me is that her anger issues were through the a pensioner! And we got the blame because the local PC was conned by an edited video.

And thanks for asking about my mother. She’s a tough old bird but yes it wasn’t nice to experience.
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The sheer unadulaterated waste of energy and joy sucking irrelevance of this behavior. Not just at your point of contact with her JJ, but the hours of follow up she must have undertaken. (Thankfully) I cannot come close to understanding this.
My experience of the police in matters such as these is not positive.

About 10 years ago someone reversed into my car (a Jag at the time, so a substantial beast) in a local shop car park. Fortunately someone saw it and left a note of the other car's reg.

I got in touch with the local finest and gave them the details. A few hours later, I was delighted to see a jam sandwich arrive at my door and I invited the officers in.

They went over the complaint then asked me for my licence, MOT and insurance. I was horrified to find that my MOT had expired the week before. I had completely forgotten about it.

They explained that they were willing to go ahead with the matter but would have to pursue me too. They said they would visit the other driver anyway to let them know he'd been clocked.

Their solution would be for them to go to the other driver and ask him to get in touch with me about sorting the matter out between ourselves, which is what eventually happened.

My take on the whole thing was that they didn't want to do any more work than they really had to. I've been reluctant to contact them ever since but it was also a salutary lesson to myself to keep my tax, insurance and MOT up to date, which I now do fastidiously, just in case I do at some point feel the need to contact plod again.