Rodi Greene Testimonial cricket match

orchard cross paddocks

At the Start
Mar 31, 2011
Just a quick mention
I know a few local guys have organised a cricket match at
Cullompton cricket club 3rd June 5 pm start.
Cullompton is in Devon just off junction 28 M5 easily accessible
I have heard that A P McCoy, Richard Johnson, to name a few are going to be supporting the night, there will be an auction including an all inclusive holiday to Hong Kong
I believe that there will be a lot going on during the evening and a lot of other memorabilia to be won on the night.

I'll paste this I just found on the injured jockeys fund webpage

A big hitting team of jockeys and trainers to include Mattie Batchelor, Jo Tizzard, Warren Marston and Nick Mitchell will take on the Otter Brewery X1 at Cullompton Cricket Club on Friday 3rd June*in what will be a fiercely contested match! AP McCoy, Richard Johnson and Choc Thornton will all*be on hand to ensure fair play and accurate scoring in this Rodi Greene Cricket Match! The event promises to be* a real fun occassion with BBQ and licenced bar throughout. Come along and join in the fun...admission FREE!
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