Rosdeep Kular

Sending the polis on a wild goose chase.

I won't be in the least surprised if it emerges that the wee yin was already dead at the time he was supposed to have been put to bed (9pm the evening before the alarm was raised).

What gets into people to make them do these things?
The whole thing stank to high heaven from the start, just makes it worse to think all those people out looking for him and she knew where he was all the time, poor little chap
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It suits the police to have the media follow the large groups of volunteer searchers. They'll have officers watching individuals to see who puts themselves forward for interview (as in the Soham case) but the main focus would be away from all that as the story was that the youngster put on his own coat and shoes. Does anyone know of any 2-3 year old who can do that (and open the door, etc)? Would a kidnapper stop to put the kid's coat and shoes on for him?

It was all wrong from the start.

Then again, I watch too much Columbo.
I think the only other possible reason for the putting clothes on would be a parental abduction: something that they could quite easily discount
The words innocent until proven guilty perhaps ought to be remembered . The answer to Aldaniti's question is that it is the Scots law equivalent of perverting the course of justice.