Ruby And Sam's Riding Instructions


At the Start
Jan 24, 2007
Have been giving this serious thought and want to open the debate.

Given the popular consensus that Denman may "gallop Kauto into the ground", will the trainer's instructions effectively give either horse a serious advantage. The fact that Denman is viewed as a galloper/dour stayer and that Kauto won last year in what was a slow early pace would suggest that they need contrasting race conditions to excel.

I feel that this is an important topic and am sure people have considered it.

The floor is open Senator's.

Many thanks, HighChapp
Originally posted by Highchapp@Feb 6 2008, 07:52 PM
Given the popular consensus that Denman may "gallop Kauto into the ground......
One assumes this 'consensus' is 'popular' amongst those who have lived at the bottom of a very deep well for several years..............?
I put very much the same sort of post up on TRF and didn't get a great response.

Nicholls probably knows how each could be beaten, does he give both riders the instructions on how they should ride their horse to get their stablemate beaten.

And the question I have to ask is, will the result be different to the result there would be if they were trained in different yards?
Let the owners give the instructions and walk slowly backwards!

Seriously though, does Ruby need instructions?
Both jockeys have ridden both horses enough, and know their strengths and weaknesses [if any!] so I think Nicholls' instructions will be to go out and use the horses' respective strengths and try to win. He has never galloped them together [at least he said he wouldn't at the start of the season] so it's terra incognita for him too

I'm sure he won't be trying to get either beaten, and don't think the jocks would listen even if he did! Imo the race will be sportingly run and connections will be as keen as the rest of us to see how it pans out. It's rare we get such a spectacle as a true 'match' at this level, and why would Nicholls try to spoil it?
One would think he may not but given the race I think tactics will definitely be on PN's mind.

An eavesdropping device in the paddock on Gold Cup day would be useful.
Well of course they will, but surely Nicholls' main aim in his instructions will be to make sure they don't cut each other's throats and let in Exotic Dancer or KK or anything else!
I think we might be making a lot of this. Both horses will be ridden to achieve the best result for their owners. At the end of the day, if Nicholls tries to work out tactics that doesn't disadvantage both he will end up with a nightmare. Both horses will run on their merits to suit the style of racing they are used to. I don't think Denman will go flat out. He doesn't have to. 3m 2f up that hill twice is a long way so if he goes a good even pace throughout and even gets a lead that will be fine for him. He migth start pushing the button with a mile to go if he is able to given his position. Kauto is a little easier to manage as he appears to have more natural speed but I don't think Ruby will mind if they go fast. His biggest problem last year was with traffic in a slowly run race. A true gallop should suit him fine and he seems to be staying much better this year. At the end of the day, nicholls will be happy to win with either of them, maybe a little happier with one rather than the other but I can't see them trying to be clever about it. That's a sure fire way of messing it up and is not fair on either owner.
Given their respective running styles, it is hard to see either "cutting each others throats".

Kauto Star will be held up as usual, to be delivered approachnig the 2nd last.

Denman will try and dominate matters up front. If he gets an uncontested lead (as he did in the Hennessey) then that's the time to start reaching for the lay button if you have backed Kauto Star.

Looking at the field there are few names youcan see giving Denman a serious battle for the lead. Ollie Magern and maybe Aces Four, but otherwise you'd imagine Denma will have things his own way. Which then makes for a very exciting final two furlongs, of "and this is it" magnitude!

Personally I couldn't confidently back or lay either of them - a race to savour for me, woth no financial interest.
I think if Denman was trained by anyone else, the race would be run to make sure Kauto Star doesnt cruise up to his backside 2 out. Whether Denman is able to do this is another thing. But if he was trained by anyone else, i'm convinced they would be planning their race on how to beat KS. Not sure if Thomas/Findlay/Nicholls are doing this.

A good clean fight.
There's no real need why Nicholls needs to get involved in it, though, right? Just get the two horses there 100% and let the owners talk to the jockeys. Both sets of owners seem to know their stuff.

There's surely little chance that they'll do do a McClaren on it and get mugged on the line by Kimi Dancer.