Ruby V Davy

Was Nicholls asleep for a second there?

What's this about Tavern Times and Drumbaloo?
Ruby is a great jockey but a dick. If you dared mention something like that about one of his horses or his fathers horses we would see how well he would take it - I do not have much time for Russell either but he did well that to bite his lip.
This has raised an interesting question. Are jockeys allowed to own horses and do they? I know David Dunsden owned that horse that ran in the National, but that's different...
Again, like David Dunsden, an amateur. I'm talking about 'proper' jockeys.
Interesting, cheers for that granger. I did not know Ruby was a substitute for Rupert. Any port in a storm I suppose.
As he runs through his mounts he recites some star names he will not be riding, and you start to see that this is a jockey who wants the next generation of greats under his dominion as well. "In the novice races I don't ride Dunguib [the opening race dead cert], I don't ride Captain Cee Bee or Sizing Europe or Somersby [Arkle Chase] and I'm not riding Long Run or Punchestowns [RSA Chase]. I've got good rides but I don't have a stand-out novice."

I think he'll be on Cooldine in the Gold Cup next year.