RUK- Aidan O'Brien

I enjoyed it although there wasn't much access into the yard but suppose the program wasn't about that, it was though about perfection and in his eyes perfection is to breed out the weak genes and breed in the strong genes. Aiden also described his interpritaion of class and stamina whilst I got lost when he mentioned over ride followed by a few listen you understand the ting it was an all round good hour of my night.

Next up I would like to see John Gosden, RUK top channel.
Yeah been on all day Gal. Very good, thoroughly absorbing, and very good interviewing by Nick Luck.....although maybe Aidan thinks he's a bit of a daw the way he kept saying; 'do you understand me?' :)

It really does make Hector's xmas special look ridiculous. Watching that program I was hoping Hector would just ask him 1 half decent question. Having said that, i do accept the purpose of Hector's was more 'for the crack' than anything else.
Yeah but you don't get a chance to see that side of him in the interview Sunybay. He's literally behind the camera asking the questions. But he does probe well, and there's an enjoyable logical flow to the questioning.
Those were 45 minutes that nobody will return back to me. An utterly waste of time and the constant repeating of phrases by Aidan was really annoying.
Not a single interesting question at all by Nick and very predictable answers by Aidan.
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Could someone please provide a precis of the interesting bits for those of us with no ruk?
"Listen" was said a lot....

A lot of his horses show a lot of natural speed....

Most of his mile+ horses could be July Cups types....

He has always thought the world of a lot of them......

They all have great attitudes....

Thank god for everything.

And the team is brilliant.

(I dont have RUK either)
aparently the words he used most were: "if you understand what I mean", and said it was mistake to run the duke in newmarket (of all) - did not mention the mistakes in Paris and BC ....
The few interesting things O'Brien had to say (Duke Of Marmalade, a brief mention of pacemakers including in the Melbourne Cup) were not elicited from him by Luck who seemed intent on bowling the friendliest of deliveries.

What would have been wrong with some specific questions about tactics involving Haradasun at Ascot and Duke Of Marmalade at Newmarket? Why not ask him about the late-season campaigning of Dylan Thomas a couple of years back? Or the thinking behind running eight horses in Authorized's Derby? How did he feel about his treatment by the Aussie stewards following the Melbourne Cup and did he feel their media were fair in their treatment of him? Couldn't he have asked how he goes about sorting out the "early" two-year-olds from those that might need more time? How would getting Yeats to post for this year's Gold Cup differ from training a juvenile for the Coventry?

As it was, it was a "thank you for granting me an audience, your honour, what would you like to say?" interview. It's not O'Brien's fault but it's still a missed opportunity. It could have been much more interesting.
Just caught the bit where he tells us Duke of Marmalade is the perfect racehorse and will be the idea stallion.

More PR guff from a Coolmore mouthpiece.
aparently the words he used most were: "if you understand what I mean", and said it was mistake to run the duke in newmarket (of all) - did not mention the mistakes in Paris and BC ....

Nick says so little in reply to Aidan that I am not surprised Aidan felt the need to say that! However he does says it all the time, just the way he talks - probably used to talking to his zillions of kids!

In fairness to him, he did say that they made a lot of mistakes though, that they are always learning and that he would do a lot of things differently, and probably will in the future. There did not really seem to be any point in going through all of the mistakes individually, as he did not deny them. He said you have to remember the bad days.

I think it was a fair enough interview.
What would have been wrong with some specific questions about tactics involving Haradasun at Ascot and Duke Of Marmalade at Newmarket? Why not ask him about the late-season campaigning of Dylan Thomas a couple of years back? Or the thinking behind running eight horses in Authorized's Derby? How did he feel about his treatment by the Aussie stewards following the Melbourne Cup and did he feel their media were fair in their treatment of him? Couldn't he have asked how he goes about sorting out the "early" two-year-olds from those that might need more time? How would getting Yeats to post for this year's Gold Cup differ from training a juvenile for the Coventry?

Some good points there, could have been more in depth about specific about horses and methods. But I do think the tafctics subject has been done to death in the media already and probably would have just been a negative here.
Some good points there, could have been more in depth about specific about horses and methods. But I do think the tafctics subject has been done to death in the media already and probably would have just been a negative here.

There you have it. I want to know how much of an affect the oxygen tank has on recovery times. What else do they do to aid recovery between races. What is the routine for flying. Are any meds used when flying and when are they administered. When he gets his yearlings in what % of them turn out to be useless or average. Why does he refer to the breed that Coolmore send him as if they're not all decended from ND (Danzig and saddlers wells in particular) like most everyone elses (ok think i know the answer to that one) etc etc etc...not the same old drivel but I suspect you have to ask the questions your granted permission to ask if you get an interview.
Thanks everyone, and to Arkers for the heads up re the ruk site (which I rarely look at!)
The few interesting things O'Brien had to say (Duke Of Marmalade, a brief mention of pacemakers including in the Melbourne Cup) were not elicited from him by Luck who seemed intent on bowling the friendliest of deliveries.

In fairness, O'Brien's comments about Duke of Marmalade's campaign were elicited directly from a question.

I very much got the impression he didn't want to be nailed down to specifics at all really - as well as the impression that he is certainly not the easiest person to interview. I actually thought he looked on edge a bit in the interview and, whilst he does have a fairly nervous disposition, thought it was more noticeable last night than in other interviews.
I like AOB - but this sort of interview looks a bit bolloxy to me..sort of powder puff wispy shite type of style

I never got why Nick Luck is rated...if he is..must be..they keep employing him...looks a real light weight to me..but I suppose I expect too much really
No I think you are right. I feel that Nick was even more on edge than Aidan was. He always comes across to me as a scaredy cat. Wishy washy and ready to run if the going gets tough.