Ruk offer?....£3 for three months

Terms and conditions
*This offer is only available to all new and reinstating residential customers in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland between 8am and 9pm unitil Friday, 19 August 2016. 12 month minimum term applies. Offer price is £1 per month (€1 per month in the Republic of Ireland) for 3 months. After the 3 month promotional term the subscription will revert to the full price of £24.98/€31.00 per month
It still works out at £18.75 a month, so it ain't that great.
I've had Racing UK for as long as I can remember, but due to a change in financial circumstances, I had to ditch it about a month ago.
As with all these types of offers they're aimed at new subscribers. I intend to cancel after Aintree and re-register this time next year

If you’re out of the minimum period, but want to stay save a few ££, just phone and request to close the account and they’ll offer you a deal for the next few months. Last time I cancelled they were almost begging me to stay!
for international RUKers, there's a free month offer you can cancel before the incredibly expensive standard price begins after 30 days. It's also available for those of us returning customers and the offer only starts this saturday so I for one plan to resubscribe, see whats that HD TV gimmick all about.