Ryan Moore first time.

Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
On Racing UK yesterday Graham Cunningham mentioned that there might be an angle in backing horses when Ryan Moore has his first riding them. Over the years I suppose other jock's could be substituted for Ryan's, whoever was flavour of the month at the time; Piggot, Eddery, Dettori, Fallon and so on.

Moore had five winners at York today and two of those he was on for the first time.

I was wondering if anyone has looked at this angle over the years and if they had drawn any conclusions?

My feelings are that the mounts were probably overbet and that inevitably you would incur a loss.
Good aspect for a system, Colin but, as you say, now that it has been made public there would be little value left.
Nice, you can even have the mushy peas with the fish 'n' chips tonight, Colly! I was having a little natter with someone on course last week about Ryan, and we agreed that he can pretty much ride any horse any way you want. Thoughts were that certain jockeys were best as either front runners or hold-up boys - that, just like the horses they ride, they had their preferences. But Ryan seems to have been taught to be able to ride any sort, anyhow, anywhere, and as a result of being so versatile is in demand for debut horselets, where some jockeys' styles mightn't suit.
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I was having a little natter with someone on course last week about Ryan, and we agreed that he can pretty much ride any horse any way you want.

I take it that it wasn't her majesty you were talking too....
Strange you should say that, Gears...

... sadly, no. Mind you, I'd hate to try and speak to Madge about horses - I think she's pretty encyclopedic on pedigrees and I can never remember who was good at what distance or over what going.
I'll help you out Kri. I know little about breeding but here is what you do: Someone says they have a 2yo by Green Desert. Have a big in take of breath and a concerned look on your face and say "THEY'RE DIRT". Job done, no one will question you!
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That's what we need on here, Gears - "The Spoofer's Guide to .... " - dosage/sectionals/breeding/value, you-name-it.

Thanks for that top tip, though. I'll hope to find at least one occasion to use it.