Ryan Moore


Jan 16, 2006
West Wales
I know this has been discussed on many other message boards but what is the general consensus of Opinion on Moore?Seen 2 of his rides today where he has been absolutely shocking.He seems to believe his own press and thinks the horses he happens to be on are fitted with a Jet propulsion system for finishing.Poor.
Seems to be modelling himself on Spencer these days, doesn't he?!

He was very slowly away from the stalls on the Meehan 2-y-o, and he didn't seem that concerned to get out of them, from what I could judge from the TV pictures.
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I agree and cannot think what has gone wrong. I rated him so high before. He is actually very modest and is hard on himself, or at least he was previously.

I think he is very gifted, when he is at his best.
I've seen him in the flesh quite a bit recently and at quite close quarters. If you could call it flesh..... In truth he looks pretty awful - very haggard and drawn in the face. My guess is he's having to waste too much and the regime of trying to get the title and too much travelling is taking its toll. Starving is lethal - it can't but affect a jockey's concentration.

He IS very gifted, but the punishing regime some of our top jocks put themselves through is not imo conducive to giving their best in every race. The older ones like Dettori, Robinson, even Fortune can be more choosy about when and where they ride. Moore is first choice jockey for two of the biggest yards in the country, as well as trying to ride his dad's
He's always looked like that Heads, we nicknamed him the grim reaper when he was 15 at Channon's as he always looked like death and was always moody.

He definitely takes after his dad.

I just think maybe he's a bit burnt out and in need of a refresh. Don't forget as well, he does get given instructions and Meehan is one of those trainers that like them dropped in.

Look at Floodlit for Gosden last night, outstanding ride.
Ha ha! That's funny Chris. Well not for RM I guess... But I've seen him close up in earlier seasons and he does look worse to my motherly eye LOL

He still certainly does give many brilliant rides, maybe we expect too much of these guys to think that because they can do it some of the time, and esp if they can do it lot of the time, that they can do it *all* the time.

Good point about Meehan and similar trainers - we don't often know what's been said by the trainer

I noticed btw that that Sir Mark the other night gave Seb instructions for riding Master Of Arts surrounded by the group of owners, then took him off out of earshot and had another chat LOL before legging up!
I think the high regard Moore is held in comes from him being Champion elect. However, I think it is a mistake to think just because he is Champ he is the best. Seb Sanders is hardly the best rider we have seen, adn remember Kevin Darley won the title once as well.

The best jockeys are either banned (Kieran) or don't bother with the title (e.g. Dettori and Fortune).

These days the champion is the jockey with the best agent and I am sure any number of top flight jockeys could win the title if they and their agent went for it.

I find Moore a nightmare when it comes to losing on short priced jollies, in particular those trained by his main retainer. Some jockeys have reputations as being good hold up jockeys (Spencer), others are famous for being good at leading (Dettori) and others are known as great galvanisers of horses (Fallon/Fortune). I don't think Moore is outstanding in any of these "disciplines" and imo is just average.

I do think he is guilty of misjudging the pace on a lot of the fancied horses he rides - Papal Bull at Newmarket a classic example of this, as was Heaven Sent at Royal Ascot when he hit the front too soom. Without the backing of Stoute and Hannon I believe he would be just another jockey. He is very fortunate but in my opinion also overrated.
Ha ha! That's funny Chris. Well not for RM I guess... But I've seen him close up in earlier seasons and he does look worse to my motherly eye LOL

He still certainly does give many brilliant rides, maybe we expect too much of these guys to think that because they can do it some of the time, and esp if they can do it lot of the time, that they can do it *all* the time.

Good point about Meehan and similar trainers - we don't often know what's been said by the trainer

I noticed btw that that Sir Mark the other night gave Seb instructions for riding Master Of Arts surrounded by the group of owners, then took him off out of earshot and had another chat LOL before legging up!

That was probably saying, get this beat and the P45 is waiting, some serious bets were on him, hope you took my advice in the email, Heads
He was a seriously odds-on shot!! I don't have funds for that sort of bet m'dear. He was in my PP which came up tho :)
Thanks for the hint all the same, as ever - tho I don't see how anyone could not have fancied him

I think your verdict on RM - that he's suffering from burnout - is in tune with my own
I was reminded of this thread as I watched the KG - Papal Bull nearly wins at 66/1 with Lucarno nowhere to be seen. Given the controversy surrounding the ride by, among others, Ryan Moore on Papal Bull at Newmarket when handing Fortune a totally uncontested lead, it would seem the criticism Moore attracted that day was wholly justified based on today's significant turn around in form now that a different jockey was on board.

I know Papal Bull is a "monkey" and downs tools when he hits the front, but Moore never gave the horse a chance to hit the front at Newmarket.
I think the high regard Moore is held in comes from him being Champion elect

Dont agree with that for a minute. Few people confuse the championship with real talent

And as for "average" he wouldnt be within a 100 miles of Stoutes yard if that was the case
Seems to be modelling himself on Spencer these days

Don't you just love these armchair jockeys? How many winners have you ridden Colin? What makes some of you "experts" think you know better than some of the finest exponents of the art how to ride a horse?
Piggott can think himself lucky every race wasn't shown in his day, he would have got more abuse than anyone. Some of you would be better employed on the Betfair forum :p
Maybe you should give Stoute or Fanshawe a bell to see if they require a jockey tactics adviser :eek:
Don't you just love these armchair jockeys? How many winners have you ridden Colin? What makes some of you "experts" think you know better than some of the finest exponents of the art how to ride a horse?:p

Shall we shitcan the film and footie threads cos none of us have ever directed a movie or played in front of 40,000 people?
Moore was certainly very good on Linngari in Munich yesterday. just as well that he dod not hear the track commentator refer to him as "Richard" Moore ....
Moore is under pressure. Everyday he sees a smiling Kieran and the clock ticks down on the 18 months. Can't be easy.
Moore strikes back at his Talking Horses critics & Jim McGrath with a sparkling treble on the first day at Glorious Goodwood.
Ryan is quoted as saying "What a bunch of muppitts".