Sad news

Bloody hell. Great actor, and another you just wouldn't have expected.

We've had a really bad time of it as a family over the last few weeks as well. A family member, and three close family friends all died in short space of time between 20th Dec and the beginning of last week, and another family member and another close friend of the family were also diagnosed with terminal cancer just before Christmas. Tough time.

Any more funerals and I'll have to start charging an appearance fee!
Bowie was a shock - but I'm genuinely sad about Alan Rickman , he seems to have been around for all my film watching life, it will be odd not looking out for things with him in now - if he was there I used to be fairly certain it was worth watching !! Some lovely tributes coming out for him as well.

Sorry you're having a hard time Maurco, not nice at all :(
Bloody hell. Great actor, and another you just wouldn't have expected.

We've had a really bad time of it as a family over the last few weeks as well. A family member, and three close family friends all died in short space of time between 20th Dec and the beginning of last week, and another family member and another close friend of the family were also diagnosed with terminal cancer just before Christmas. Tough time.

Any more funerals and I'll have to start charging an appearance fee!

sounds like a bad time M..sorry to hear it.
Not a lot to say really Paul, just try your best to bear up, life is precious and yet fragile.
That's so very true. I'm a thick skinned sort and not much gets to me, but even so it's been a sh*t awful start to the year. In fact it wasn't a good end to last year with this and some other reasons.

Anyway, I tend to look on the bright side of life, and 2016 can only get better, and I'm sure it will. So it's keep smiling, and onwards and upwards.