I'm lifting this from this week's copy of 'The Week', which is quoting from Alice Miles's article in The Times:
"Even by the standards of a Home Office devoted to government by headline, this was a disgraceful performance. Officially sanctioned press reports released last week revealed that the HO was planning to bring in a 'Sarah's Law' to allow parents to find out whether paedophiles live in their street, near their playgrounds and schools. Pilot schemes for the new law - named after 8 y.o. Sarah Payne who was murdered by a convicted sex offender seven years ago - were apparently going to start in three areas later this year. The reports prompted angry criticisms from children's charities and others, who rightly pointed out that the law would drive paedophiles underground, and that it wouldn't have helped Sara Payne, since she was miles from home when she was abducted. In response, the HO quietly dropped the idea. Having spent two years telling people the law was going ahead - and allowing Sarah's mother publicly to welcome it - its backers retreated and 'in a puff of a headline', Sarah's Law was gone. 'Shame, shame, shame on them.' "
I have considerable trouble with children's charities 'and others' who claim that such a law would drive paedophiles 'underground'. I'm sorry, but did I miss something here - perhaps the National Association of Child Molesters, the British Paedophilia Society, or weekly editions of Paedo News?
What the hell are they talking about? The nature of paedophilia IS to be secret, hidden and unknown, idiots! How can you 'drive underground' what is already there? Now here is where I get really cynical and nasty: of course, if you know where paedos live in conjunction with your child's school, etc. (and let's face it, that would be a preferred address location), you don't need the protection of a children's society, do you? Imagine the amount of counselling jobs which might be lost, of 'caring' volunteers ready with a box of Kleenex and hours and hours of time for your molested little one if you, the parent, are armed with enough information to make added awareness necessary or perhaps the suggestion that moving a released child rapist from within sight of a nursery would be a good idea? I feel that not having a Sarah's Law is a cop-out. You can obtain such details in the USA - they're not that easy for everyone to find, btw, and if it alerts enough parents to a person with an incurable lust for kids living next door, then I say good.
I find the 'angry criticism' of children's charities utterly inexplicable. We have sentimental, dreary tv ads by the NSPCC intoning that over 30,000 children are 'at risk' in the UK every year, and to give them a fiver a month to help stop the abuse, but when it comes to a sensible law which could ALERT - no more than that - parents to the possible menace in their midst (if one is actually there) - no. No, let the children's societies pick up the mess afterwards, heaven forfend they should endorse any proactivity. And as for saying that Sarah Payne was abducted miles from her home - what a nasty little weaselling out that was. They give the lie to their own promotional literature, then, by telling us that most offences occur through contact with people the kids know. And the best way to get to know kids? Is to live near them and befriend them (Ian Brady/Myra Hindley), work with them (Ian Huntley), and gain their trust (the majority of paedophiles)...
"Even by the standards of a Home Office devoted to government by headline, this was a disgraceful performance. Officially sanctioned press reports released last week revealed that the HO was planning to bring in a 'Sarah's Law' to allow parents to find out whether paedophiles live in their street, near their playgrounds and schools. Pilot schemes for the new law - named after 8 y.o. Sarah Payne who was murdered by a convicted sex offender seven years ago - were apparently going to start in three areas later this year. The reports prompted angry criticisms from children's charities and others, who rightly pointed out that the law would drive paedophiles underground, and that it wouldn't have helped Sara Payne, since she was miles from home when she was abducted. In response, the HO quietly dropped the idea. Having spent two years telling people the law was going ahead - and allowing Sarah's mother publicly to welcome it - its backers retreated and 'in a puff of a headline', Sarah's Law was gone. 'Shame, shame, shame on them.' "
I have considerable trouble with children's charities 'and others' who claim that such a law would drive paedophiles 'underground'. I'm sorry, but did I miss something here - perhaps the National Association of Child Molesters, the British Paedophilia Society, or weekly editions of Paedo News?
What the hell are they talking about? The nature of paedophilia IS to be secret, hidden and unknown, idiots! How can you 'drive underground' what is already there? Now here is where I get really cynical and nasty: of course, if you know where paedos live in conjunction with your child's school, etc. (and let's face it, that would be a preferred address location), you don't need the protection of a children's society, do you? Imagine the amount of counselling jobs which might be lost, of 'caring' volunteers ready with a box of Kleenex and hours and hours of time for your molested little one if you, the parent, are armed with enough information to make added awareness necessary or perhaps the suggestion that moving a released child rapist from within sight of a nursery would be a good idea? I feel that not having a Sarah's Law is a cop-out. You can obtain such details in the USA - they're not that easy for everyone to find, btw, and if it alerts enough parents to a person with an incurable lust for kids living next door, then I say good.
I find the 'angry criticism' of children's charities utterly inexplicable. We have sentimental, dreary tv ads by the NSPCC intoning that over 30,000 children are 'at risk' in the UK every year, and to give them a fiver a month to help stop the abuse, but when it comes to a sensible law which could ALERT - no more than that - parents to the possible menace in their midst (if one is actually there) - no. No, let the children's societies pick up the mess afterwards, heaven forfend they should endorse any proactivity. And as for saying that Sarah Payne was abducted miles from her home - what a nasty little weaselling out that was. They give the lie to their own promotional literature, then, by telling us that most offences occur through contact with people the kids know. And the best way to get to know kids? Is to live near them and befriend them (Ian Brady/Myra Hindley), work with them (Ian Huntley), and gain their trust (the majority of paedophiles)...