Saturday 23rd December 2023


Mar 2, 2018
Just one today from my notebook:

Donny Boy - Newc 1.05 10/1 Ew

I have to to do this today judging on what my notes (which are written immediately the race in question) which said this:

"Here was a classic case of not trying an inch, classic. The horse coming down in front of him caused but minor interference, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that the jockey will cite 'interference' as a reason for not winning. On the contrary for the interference was minor and at such a stage where the little ground lost could be made up easily. As it happens, the jockey sat there motionless and dropped to far further last than he had to. Look at the jockey's hands and it's clear to see that he did absolutely nothing until the race was over before giving that pathetic driving that they do for the stewards when we can see it should have been applied way before that.
Apart from that, the horse jumped nicely and this will prove to be an out-and-out stayer in the end given the stamina in his blood."

I'm hoping they'll be more on the ball today in what is a race of poor quality, to be honest. Top weight doesn't worry mr. He's down 3Lbs since that last run and looks yto have stamina in abundance in his blood. I thought he showed enough in his jumping to see an improvement today.

Elsewhere, for small stakes, I'll add these:

Donny Boy 1-05 Newcastle 8/1
Bill Baxter - 1.30 Haydock 5/1
El Barra - 1.50 Ascot 25/1
Flash Collonges 3.00 Ascot 16/1
Ew L15

Real stone - 2.40 Haydock 11/8 Win
Ooh! Close! A much improved performance after the charade of the last run, but I was disappointed after he looked like the winner over the last two fences.

Still, a small profit and his jumping and breeding suggest a bigger staying (marathon?) h/cap may well be possible, don't you think?