Saturday's racing.

Between Able Master getting marginally outstayed, Alfred Noble pissing in on the wrong side, Paul Moloney being afraid to go past Tony McCoy too early in the novice hurdle and inevitably fluffing the last and a Hail Mary bet on Cash Queen Anna, plus a few other less noteworthy indescretions, I've decided to wait for proper racing to start.
Still, there's always another day - I've just made back all yesterday's losses on Total Gallery, so the smile is back on my face! And to think I nearly decided to have a week off after yesterday... then decided given I'd patted Total on the nose only 10 days ago I just had to have a bit on, ditto Askar Tau whom I met in person more than once at GLs. Sometimes sentiment does pay - so come on AT!
Who was it who ate my hair at Stan's, Sara, when you kindly gave me the tour? I think I'll always have to back him! Lovely result for the Moores after the various and sundry problems they've had. Quite a nice little cock o'the nose, were they to wish to cock one.
He's called Frame It, expected to do very well next year, hasn't run yet as he has a big frame and is still growing into it. He'a a half-brother to Al Quasi, good things expected!