Screen capture?

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I want to email someone a 'picture' of a screen from my laptop but don't know how to 'capture' the screen shot. My laptop had a 'print screen' key but that's all it does. Will I have to print the screen then scan it then save the scan, or is there a shortcut that will allow me to save an image of the screen directly to my files, which I can then email on?

Thanks in advance.
1) Print Screen
2) Open programme "Paint"
3) In "Paint", from the Edit tab select Paste
4) Click Paste
5) Close "Paint". You will be asked Save or Don't Save. Select Save.
6) Name the file and save to Pictures.
7) Open in a new window
8) Upload image from Pictures to Photobucket, and then email it to your required destination.
Ooops, was typing whilst another member was giving the solution. :lol:

Hope it works for you, D.O. :)
Thanks, both. BH's solution appears to have worked a treat (at this end at any rate - will see what reply I get from the recipient... you always wonder when you send photos of your private parts to women you don't really know :p )