Selfish Thugs

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Hunts campaigned for the introduction of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and in particular the provisions that made disrupting a lawful activity a criminal offence

Time to use it on these Countryside Alliance thugs who threatened to disrupt the right to roam celebrations . If they want backlash they will get it in spades .

The Countryside Alliance is an organisation of extraordinary arrogance . They act as if they speak for 100% of those who live in the countryside when polls have constantly shown that more than half of rural dwellers oppose hunting .

It is no surprise however that these people keep quiet considering the thuggish behaviour of the alliance and some of its more idiotic fringe members .Strangely, they remind me of one group in particular in their grossly anti-democratic thuggery - lunatic animal rights protestors.

The silent majority in this country will not put up with a campaign of disruption . It has been notable to hear that the majority of correspondence to Radio 4 's programmes this week that largely are anti Govt , was overwhelmingly anti CA.

Hunters should note that if they break the law after a ban hunt saboteurs will be able to do what they like short of violence as they will be seeking to prevent crime
Read songsheet,
a very good example of a woman who is all that i expect from a CA person.

On the other hand she is not a thug,and i expect that neither are 99% of them.

Any one suggesting otherwise needs his/her head examined.

A very silly remark Derek and I suggest you withdraw it . Anyone less like the thugs I describe than Julie I cannot imagine
your post,not mine:

I never suggested that she was a thug, a bit arrogant yes,but not a thug.

How can i say that she is anything other than what she writes?

But as i appear to be unable to post without one of the pack snapping at my heels i will replace it with something more becoming.
Derek - before making allegations, get your facts right.

I am not and never have been a member of the Countryside Alliance and what relevance my gender has I have no idea! Other than to illustrate what a misogynist you clearly are.

I have already stated elsewhere on this forum that I am opposed to anyone breaking the law, no matter what cause they support. I've also stated that there any many forms of hunting I do not agree with!

That does mean to say I cannot exercise my democratic right to continue to point out that this is a bad piece of legislation - as Baroness Mallalieu so expertly summed up this morning on Today on R4. Though of course, being a woman her opinion would be irelevant as far as Derek is concerned...

James - you need to being a little more discerning with regard to generalising over CA members though - every large organisation will always have rogue elements and I haven't yet heard anyone in a position of influence in the CA say they support illegal actions. They have maintained that they have the right to protest - but have stated they do not support violence. It's a bit like saying that all Man United fans are prone to football hooliganism in varying degrees - bollox!

Although I listened to Today on R4 this morning, I didn't get the exact facts about the alleged threats re the Right To Roam celebrations - all I heard was it was the police who advised that it was 'unsafe' for the Minister to attend. Obviously, they would have restricted intelligence info but all the same, I'd like to know what and who made the threats - were they with violent intent or just many hunt supporters turning up en masse to make their point, because if just the latter, then as long as it is peaceful, they have every right to do so!
could you point out to me where i said that you were in fact a member of the CA.

Deer Deer a woman and the red mist! :D
from a CA person

The Countryside Alliance is an entity with a subscription to membership.

Therefore calling me a CA person does, I think, quite clearly indicate that you consider me to a member or representative of that organisation. I am neither.

There's no red mist, Derek, much as you would like to think that there is - another nice try at diversionary tactics, though ! B)
a very good example of a woman who is all that i expect from a CA person.

Is the exact text.

In my humble opinion you write as i expect a member of the CA would do.

You cite that all the countries in europe are worse than the Uk,not to mention Spud Island.

You are a horsey person,that is not to say that you look like a horse,although you can be as stubborn as one.

I have been to Northern Ireland several times and even chased one or two strays back into Southern Ireland.None of them were such a pain as you,my dear.


I thnk you make some interesting contributions here, but I cannot share your sentiments about Songsheet's alleged ''arrogance.''

I suspect she and I could not come from more different perpectives or backgrounds, but I sense she respects the basic tenets of democracy - like free speech.

Moreover, crucially, she is capable of agreeing to disagree and bringing an argument which is becoming circular in nature to a close.
I agree with every word you say.

Free speech is a two way street.Are you saying that the lady is deserving of more free speech than my humble self?

The circular motion could have been halted yesterday had the lady kept to basic truths.

Do i detect gathering of the of the hordes of babylon


No foul language.

Remaining factual.

Not abusing the the Natives.

I remain well inside the rules of propiety (not sure of the spelling)

I don't need a lecture yet. :D
Originally posted by Derek.Burgess@Sep 18 2004, 02:56 PM
I never suggested that she was a thug, a bit arrogant yes,but not a thug.

How can i say that she is anything other than what she writes?
A bit arrogant??!!!! Pot calling kettle black, I'd say! You are the most arrogant, chauvinistic person I've come across in a while!!! And, as you say...I'm getting that from what you write, how can I say that you are anything other than what I have seen in print? :P