Selling Children


Senior Jockey
Mar 4, 2004
South Lanarkshire
I am interested in finding out more about how one would go about this. I have always presumed that my best bet would be to stick it up on ebay, but worry that my offpsring might go far too cheaply by mistake. Obviously I could put in a reserve, but that might deter potential bidders from getting involved. Are there other methods by which I can sell a child for, say, £20k?

Also, does anyone know anything about holiday entitlements. I am aware that I am entitled to 2 weeks paternity leave but had hoped that I would be able to wait until after the £20k has been received before taking that time, so that I could go on holiday or something with my good lady who will be enjoying her 6 months maternity leave at that time. Is there any way round this?
I believe the practice is frowned upon in some circles. Barney got in a whole heap of trouble raffling his house. Maybe children will prove easier.
Do you think I'd make the £20k with a raffle? I'd also be concerned that I would miss my target audience, as I'm not sure that WRI groups fall in the same demographic as young, financially solvent, desperate for a baby couples.
Originally posted by Melendez@Sep 12 2006, 10:29 AM
Barney got in a whole heap of trouble raffling his house.
Kathy's dog tried to sell her house? The cheeky little beggar! I hope he got banned from humping the pillow/next door's Pekinese for a month!
He's a cheeky, ungrateful little shite at times. (that's Barney, not Simmo) B)

I dread to think what else of mine he has tried to flog - his own puppies no doubt. He could at least wait until their eyes are open! :blink:
I heard somewhere that you can wait until it's three, then take it to Derby to run a race. If it does well, it's value should be much greater than if you sell it as a 1-year-old.
Great ideas chaps. :) My concerns with keeping it for any length of time are twofold.

Firstly, the idea is to get a wad of dosh and use it to enhance our lives during the recreational period known as "(p)maternity leave". Keeping it and doing all that feeding it, smacking it to make it shut up, taping it's gob up to make it shut up, feeding it to the dog because you can't stand the sight or sound of the horrible little pink bag of shit, is somewhat at odds with that objective.

Secondly, I hate the little feckers and it would be lucky to survive to an age when I would be able to profit further from it's misery.

as a subset reason which I shall call 2a). My progeny are highly unlikely to be able to run very fast at all without the aid of lager and kebabs on runners at the side of the track, so I will regretfully have to discard cricketfan's superb idea.
Originally posted by BrianH@Sep 12 2006, 01:14 PM
If you're lucky someone will pinhook it

Is that like this only without the beard?
Send it to me. I can't afford to pay as I already have four of my own, thus leaving me skint. I can however offer it a good home :D You don't need the money, the feeling of joy in your heart from doing a good deed comes for free :D
I think £20K is underselling the progeny, simmo. I reckon if you asked for nearer to £100K and said it was related to DANEHILL you'd be onto a winner. Look, Sheikh Mo and Princess Haya don't look like types busting to replicate and cut into her time as Chair of the FEI, endurance riding, being a busy partner at Mo-mo's side, etc. He's already done all the nonsense with Wife No.1, anyway. I'd give Crisford a call and say you've got something to take all that tiresome pregnancy and birthing off their hands for way, way less than he's used to shelling out. Oh, and throw in a lifetime's membership of the Dubai Racing Club. With plane privileges.