Shadz! By your command! All Bumper card!


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Shadz will be beaming, even though the card's going to be staged at one of her least-loved courses, Southwell, next Wednesday. Yes, the very first British ALL BUMPER CARD, with the sparkling possibility that the Bumper Queen herself, Nina Carberry, may come over for some rides.

Well, provided the roads are clear by then, NH trainers can't say that there's no spirit of cooperation from the oft-reviled 'sand track'. It's probably being partly held to help the Levy over its heartbreaking loss of some £2m in income during these harsh days, but mainly to benefit NH horses busting for a run.

See, racing can change, and quickly when it needs to!
Well, going by the way it was described by ATR, Troodles, it was proper Bumper fare, as they mentioned what a boon it was to NH trainers trying to get a run into their animals, but if it's an all-horse affair, I don't know. Sorry!
About bloody time too!!!

It's a bumper card Trudi, for all horses that are qualified to run in bumpers!!!
I hope someone opens a market on the attendance at the meeting.

Just who on earth is going to go to this?
About bloody time too!!!

It's a bumper card Trudi, for all horses that are qualified to run in bumpers!!!

Thats what I thought - but thought Id check. So much for them "benefitting all NH horses that are in need of a run" then..... (not that anyone believed for a minute this was done for anyone other than to part idiots with their cash....)
Thats what I thought - but thought Id check. So much for them "benefitting all NH horses that are in need of a run" then..... (not that anyone believed for a minute this was done for anyone other than to part idiots with their cash....)

But it's not, is it? Bumpers are well known to be an unpopular betting medium; if the point of this was to produce betting shop fodder then it would be another card of 0-60 flat AW handicaps.

This is a great idea and will very much help NH trainers wanting to get a run into their bumper horses. Since AW jumping is outlawed, there's not a lot else that can be put into the schedule to help out other that this. Of course jumpers could always have a run in an AW flat race if not eligible for bumpers. However running bumper horses in such races would then invalidate their eligibility for bumpers.
I meant for Joe Public in general, honest - they're my favourite race of the day, for betting purposes as well!!! :o
Yes, there were three horses who'd either already run in Bumpers or a Nervous Hurdle who were given a spin over the regular AW during the previous meeting to today's at Lingfield, Shadz. I was having a natter with one of our owners, Chris Wilson, about this, and he said that some trainers were getting desperate to get their increasingly fidgety horses out, and that the all-Bumper meeting would fill a huge void at the moment. Darn good idea - all the AWs should sprinkle them throughout the year, I think, so that anyone whose nearest NH track didn't have going to suit could bring them to an AW for a proper Bumper spin.
But it's not, is it? Bumpers are well known to be an unpopular betting medium; if the point of this was to produce betting shop fodder then it would be another card of 0-60 flat AW handicaps.

This is a great idea and will very much help NH trainers wanting to get a run into their bumper horses. Since AW jumping is outlawed, there's not a lot else that can be put into the schedule to help out other that this. Of course jumpers could always have a run in an AW flat race if not eligible for bumpers. However running bumper horses in such races would then invalidate their eligibility for bumpers.

Did I say it was a bad idea?? For what its worth, I can see the sense in it (for which Im certain the powers that be are truly relieved, because obviously my opinion is the only one of any value :rolleyes:)- its the youngsters who are losing out the most cos of the weather over the last few weeks,and for the forseeable (pending on where you are!). There are 200 odd entries for it too if i remember correctly - so there are obviously a lot of trainers well up for it.(as they should be - I think bumpers are hugely under appreciated for the benefits that come from running in them!)

Still think its going to provide "betting shop fodder" (as you call it) - how can it not??!!!!!!! and maybe Im too cynical,but I honestly believe that the revenue will be a much bigger part of the decision to hold this meeting than the horses needing to get a run!!

Im still going to mutter darkly about the "benefitting all NH horses that are in need of a run" part when it quite clearly isnt doing that-I doubt there are only bumper horses that are fit,ready and needing a run!!! (though as you say - there are some flat races that you could enter your NH horse in if you were really desperate to give them a gallop.) Would have been way more fun to have a card with flat races for 3m and over chasers, one for 2 mile chasers and so on (and the bumpers!!) :D
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Like I said before, Trudi, it's not betting shop fodder as plenty of punters won't want to bet on it - trust me, you've got the wrong end of the stick here. The phrase 'betting shop fodder' isn't purely a term used to describe anything that is shown in a betting shop; it denotes a specific type of high turnover betting heat amongst betting shop punters and internet/phone punters [including Betfair], even be they 20p each way bettors. Bumpers are usually unpopular with punters in relative terms (compared to your bog standard 'betting shop fodder', which is generally low grade handicaps) as plenty of people feel they don't know anything about the horses running to have too much of a bet so plenty won't bother.

I don't quite see what you're asking for with a card for 3 mile plus/2m chasers et al - that's just a nonsense really as there are plenty of 1m4f-2m handicaps and maidens already existing for trainers to run jumpers in if they so wish. I can't see that trainers are going to want 3m flat races put on to give some of their chasers a run!!!

I'm also quite aware that you didn't say you thought the bumper card was a bad idea; I was addressing solely your comments that it was merely betting shop fodder which it is far from.
My bad - misunderstood the terminology (as youd expect,me being an ignorant with betting! - I thought it just meant any race that was able to be bet on)

Im not asking for a card for 3 and 2 mile chasers and everything else - just pointing out that if you are going to have a bumper (so basically,a flat racing!) card for NH horses "FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL NH HORSES WHO NEED A RUN" (which is what it was said this meeting was for,and its being put on cos weve lost so much racing isnt it??) then it would be way more fun to have different races for the different types of NH horse. (much the same way they chuck in the odd race for greys every so often - effectively a novelty race,but under rules) Make it a 2 day meeting if they want - they can have an entire meeting for the babies, then another day for the others... Its the phrase "all NH horses" that has confused matters in my head - doesnt seem right for the oldies to miss out on the chance to run against each other!!!

Its never going to happen (well...!!) so theres no point thinking too hard about it really - was just one of those random thoughts that pop up every so often.(and like so many that I manage,should be smothered and buried quickly rather than me opening my mouth and immediately wishing I hadnt!)

Ive got a stinking cold,hence Im not explaining myself properly (though I dont do it very well without a stinking cold either!!) its obviously addling my brain more than i thought :)
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There were due to be three Bumpers on the card lost at Lingfield last Thursday but I see no sign of a Bumper on either of the other replacement AW fixtures this week which is surprising.

I think EVERY replacement AW fixture should have at least one NH Flat Race added.
I agree, Stodge - I think it would be a great idea.

Trudi, are you sure that the phrase "FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL NH HORSES WHO NEED A RUN" was used to publicise this?? I'd guess not, and that if it were it will have been a cock up somewhere along the way by whichever publication printed it as a quote. It's pretty bleedin' obvious that a NH bumper card wouldn't be put on for the benefit of all NH horses!!! :p
As Trudi says, a massive amount of entries have been received for the all bumper card - please will the BHA now take note and arrange more! (and will the nonce at the RP who decided a year ago that my letter suggesting such a card be staged was inconsequential enough not to be published whilst publishing a load of tat blowing smoke up the arses of various racing characters instead please feel sufficiently ashamed....!!)

From the RP :

Huge entry made for all-bumper meeting


TRAINERS gave Southwell's decision to stage an all-bumper card a massive thumbs-up on Saturday by making huge entries for the newly-arranged fixture.

No fewer than 242 horses were entered in the six race all-weather card, which is being staged to provide extra opportunities for those denied a run on turf by the current freeze.

The biggest single entry is 67 in the maiden bumper, the opening event on Wednesday's Fibresand programme.

The meeting is the brainchild of Southwell clerk of the course Roderick Ducan who was delighted by the entries for the races and said: "It is fantastic and it is terrific endorsement of the decision to run them."
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It's pretty bleedin' obvious that a NH bumper card wouldn't be put on for the benefit of all NH horses!!! :p


Im just going by what was said above (in yours and Kri's first musings!) and what I read somewehre else - thats why I was confussed !!!

(even allowing for it not taking much at the best of times - I think my brain has melted in a fuzz of sudofed,night nurse and ibuprophen!! :) )
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Oh for fuck's sake!!! Will you just READ what I put! First of all, the clue is in the bleeding title - All B-U-M-P-E-R card. Not flat racing for any NH horse to turn up, not for ALL NH horses. I said - and you know what, I wish I hadn't bothered to stick any of this up now - "mainly to benefit NH horses busting for a run". Quite clearly, I'd have thought a chimpanzee would work out that as the subject is BUMPERS, I wouldn't have to say "mainly to benefit NATIONAL HUNT BUMPER HORSES BUSTING FOR A RUN IN A BUMPER".

Christ almighty! :mad:
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:lol: - calm down Aunty - I did say that Id read something somewhere else too - and thats what was confusing me with the who could go and who couldnt thing,betweent he two places Id been reading it,and my befuddled drugged up state,it was sounding like it was any old tom dick or harriet could rock up!!!!!

(and you wouldnt need to put "all national hunt bumper horses busting for a run in a bumper" - even a chimpanzee like me knows that you only get bumper horses in NH ;) :p )
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You are, however, a very sweet little chimp and I shall give you a nice banana next time I see you. Now, get off the crack pipe and behave!
Plenty of hurdlers and a couple of chasers out at Lingfield tomorrow, so NH trainers are making sure that some of their horses keep their blood circulating for when things kick off again:

But there was talk of a card somewhere consisting of races for all NH horses just for the sake of allowing them a run, was there not?