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Simmo's (latest) Rant


Senior Jockey
Mar 4, 2004
South Lanarkshire
The title and description give the more astute amongst you (and probably the fairly stupid) a clue that I failed my driving test today.

The fault on which I failed was as follows.

I was pulling away from a set of traffic lights at a T-Junction on a slight hill. After properly executing a hill start, I changed up to second just a touch too soon, causing me to stall astride the pedestrian crossing area. (That wasn't the fault - examiner wasn't bothered about the stall).
Once I had restarted, the lights had changed to red and the traffic on the other signals had started to edge forward. I judged that I had insufficient time to safely make it through the junction and elected to stay where I was. Apparently the fault was because I didn't plough through oncoming traffic regardless of safety/obstruction considerations, thus causing an obstruction to pedestrians.

If there are reports on the news tonight of a Test Examiner in Glasgow being found with his throat slit open and hung upside down to bleed to death like Halal meat, then it was probably me.

You have my sympathies. Passing your driving test is very hard, not to mention stressful. Take comfort in that if that's the only thing you failed for, you can obviously drive well enough in all other respects and will pass easily next time.
Keep trying Simmo. There's plenty of people who have passed their test who would have done exactly the same thing as you. How long do you have to wait before you can retake?
Originally posted by simmo@Mar 12 2007, 03:42 PM
The next available test is 3-4 weeks and another £120 from now.
I earned my living through driving H.G.V's......... so don't be disheartened SIMMO go in for it again A.S.A.P.................you may never know it may be very handy in the future years................good luck... you moaning barsteward........... :ph34r: norty :laughing:

Put your name foreward to take cancellations as well !! (if you can get time off that is!)it will show your enthuiastic to pass.................. :)
I know the feeling. Its stressful. I remember doing mine, about 3 years ago, I was shaking like a leaf and was so nervous, not to mention that the "dragon" lady was the one whom tested me. My instructor almost fainted when he saw I got her. Considering she had a reputation of failing 95% of everyone that tried for their test. I passed though, by one mark. My instructor waited for me at the RTA praying for a miracle. But funnily enough I passed. After the test though she was very nice gave me a bit of advice, and wished me good luck as a fully fledged driver.

I now have one final test to pass before I am a gold licensed driver - the most ridiculous test too - a touch screen one.
Originally posted by uncle goober@Mar 12 2007, 07:57 PM
Tough ###### ! Get off the road !! :clap:
I do get off the road.... normally, when I don't mean to. :shy: :D
Looks like you were going to be damned if you did, damned if you didn't in that scenario, simmo. If that's all the examiner found wrong, you'll sail through next time.

My Dad tried to teach me to drive (he was a brilliant driver and motorcyclist, and had driven a London cab for a while following de-mob), and was scared shoitless when I hurtled his prized possession at some speed round a corner (in a quiet industrial estate area) and headed unerringly for a row of oil drums. I don't think I've ever heard the words "BRAAAAAKKKKES! BRAAAKES, FOR CRISSAKES, JON!" screamed so desperately. A day later, he'd hired a professional and I passed on my second attempt. So relax, and all will be well.
Col (this forums owner and my brother) failed his driving test no less than 9 times :rolleyes:

In the end he gave up and now just drives around illegally.
Oh right - so leverage [aka blackmail] in the event I ever get a warning!!!! :P

I passed my test first time too :D
I failed my first test, in High Wycombe, which was in the 1980s considered a notoriously difficult place to take it. I thought I'd driven really well.

I passed second time, in Newton Abbot, driving incredibly badly.
High Wycombe is an awful place to take your driving test HS, especially if they take you up to Downley! You are certainly not alone to have failed your test in High Wycombe. :)
As a member of The E. Dead Group I received a licence automatically. And, if you don't like it we'll kill you.
I took mine in the army, after a week crash course and passed 1st time. I also hold a manual bus licence.
After seeing a friend today I think she was hinting that she wouldn't mind me offering to drive her horse to her dressage competitions in her Landy & trailer - look out!!! She's already asked me to ride for her & groom for her when she competes!!
Yesterday I passed my driving test at the third attempt. :clap:

Just thought that I would share this joyous news with you and ask if any of those of you more conversant with taxation could advise from a financial perspective whether I am better going with a car allowance or a company car?
Originally posted by simmo@May 4 2007, 02:20 PM
Yesterday I passed my driving test at the third attempt. :clap:

Just thought that I would share this joyous news with you and ask if any of those of you more conversant with taxation could advise from a financial perspective whether I am better going with a car allowance or a company car?
Well done Simmo. Whichever you choose, you've now exposed yourself to a whole new world of frustrating taxation !!