Sir Cliff

Way I see it, the lad (now a middle-aged man himself) can score a nice lump of compy, and Richards gets a stretch for being a deviant, smug, preachy cu*nt i.e. everyone wins......except Sir Cliff.

Where's the downside?
He doesn't seem the surprise if is was entirely sans genitalia.

Alternatively, he could have been whacking it into Cheggers on a regular basis.

Who would care though?
Way I see it, the lad (now a middle-aged man himself) can score a nice lump of compy, and Richards gets a stretch for being a deviant, smug, preachy cu*nt i.e. everyone wins......except Sir Cliff.

Where's the downside?

:) He should have been banged-up (no double entendre intended) the day 'Mistletoe And Wine' was released: surely the most banal and flesh-creepingly awful Christmas toon ever released

'Summer Holiday' remains brill however and interesting to know he spent them in South Yorkshire :rolleyes:
bloody about trial by internet

in a time where most of this countries population would sell their mothers down the river for a tenner..its no surprise someone's trying to tap up the money well Cliff must have

a state this countries in with this accusation mentality getting way out of hand

if he's guilty then fair enough..but the odds must be 1/10 moneygrubbing attempt to get easy money..and with looks of this thread..most are happy to believe anything they hear

i just hope sooty kept his mits to himself...andy pandy must be suss though
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Largely agree ec

Nasty stuff. He's boring but harmless IMO. Wishing him to be found guilty (even if he didnt do it) seems strange

If it was a genuinely nasty piece of work like frankie boyle or Russell brand (frankie...depressed comedians hang themselves.. Remember that please) who sneers at disabled children and certain women, then fine. But cliff is neither here nor there
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Largely agree ec

Nasty stuff. He's boring but harmless IMO. Wishing him to be found guilty (even if he didnt do it) seems strange

If it was a genuinely nasty piece of work like frankie boyle or Russell brand (frankie...depressed comedians hang themselves.. Remember that please) who sneers at disabled children and certain women, then fine. But cliff is neither here nor there

It's nasty when somebody wishes another person to be found guilt of a heinous crime... unless it's someone I don't like. Then it's completely fine.
Nasty stuff. He's boring but harmless IMO. Wishing him to be found guilty (even if he didnt do it) seems strange

If bin Laden had survived to see a trial, I'm pretty sure you'd want him to be found guilty, clivex, even before the evidence had been formally this type of thing won't wash with me.

Natch, my desire might be viewed as harsh, but even if he is 100% innocent of these charges, I'd still be looking to bring him before the beaks, on a charge of being a tosser.

Hypocrites being exposed is one of my favourite bloodsports. I'm really just looking for a chase.
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Hypocrites being exposed is one of my favourite bloodsports. I'm really just looking for a chase.

Now there's an idea, trudij and the local hunt chasing Sir Cliff round some fields and a forest or two before having the dogs rip him to pieces. Splendid stuff.

all done whilst "Bachelor Boy" is played from strategically placed speakers throughout the land.....
If bin Laden had survived to see a trial, I'm pretty sure you'd want him to be found guilty, clivex, even before the evidence had been formally this type of thing won't wash with me.

Natch, my desire might be viewed as harsh, but even if he is 100% innocent of these charges, I'd still be looking to bring him before the beaks, on a charge of being a tosser.

Hypocrites being exposed is one of my favourite bloodsports. I'm really just looking for a chase.

Dont be so fcking ridiculous.

Don't recall cliff boasting about child rape and promoting it world wide. Do you?
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Some quite disturbing comments on here.

If -if - CR is entirely innocent of this charge I hope his accuser is sent to jail for a very long time.

Anyone who has been on the wrong end of a malicious accusation will understand.

Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?
That unfortunately isn't the case though is it DO. I agree with EC, it is most likely someone trying there hand at a windfall. If they were 18 in the 80's when it was alledged to have happened, then what took them so long to come forward about it? If it could be proven it was completely fabricated, I'd shift them off for a 5 year stretch to deter others. There are enough real bloody crimes out there to investigate without anything like this if not true.
Send him into ISIS controlled areas singing The Lords Prayer and Mistletoe and Wine....they would scatter like the wind!!
Some quite disturbing comments on here.

If -if - CR is entirely innocent of this charge I hope his accuser is sent to jail for a very long time.

Anyone who has been on the wrong end of a malicious accusation will understand.

Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?

What kind of world is it that we live in, when you can't even wish some badness on Cliff Richard, without people getting all upset about it?

My desires are very short-termist anyway, and he'll likely have the last laugh. If he's everything he purports to be, he will spend eternity with all the other nice people, knocking-out Devil Woman on his harp. It's a vision of Heaven, no?

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There's badness and badness, GH.

I am not a CR fan, far from it. It's one thing to say you wish someone would ram some mistletoe and wine up his jacksy for that song alone because everybody would know that's a bit of harmless banter.

This is different.

As I said, anyone who has been on the wrong end of a malicious accusation will know exactly how different.
As I said, anyone who has been on the wrong end of a malicious accusation will know exactly how different.

In my opinion, it's all down to sensitivities and context.

When I was younger, I had a malicious (and wholly false) accusation levied against me and it is one of the worst pains a human can experience. If there is any justice in the world then the accuser would have been punished severely. Nevertheless, it's an unjust world so it's folly to expect a great deal but better people than I have suffered much worse injustices.


Personally, I don't take any issue with GH's line. For one, it's not like either Sir Cliff nor the CPS are ever likely to read this thread and for another, words (banter, joking etc) aren't even in the same dimension as actions (accusing, protesting, discriminating) when it comes to damaging another person.

People have their right to be offended and what have you and I'm not dismissing said right to the feelings expressed in this thread. For me, I just don't think it's worth getting into a furore over ultimately harmless words expressed in the backwaters of a horse racing forum regarding a third party entity.
What kind of world is it that we live in, when you can't even wish some badness on Cliff Richard, without people getting all upset about it?

My desires are very short-termist anyway, and he'll likely have the last laugh. If he's everything he purports to be, he will spend eternity with all the other nice people, knocking-out Devil Woman on his harp. It's a vision of Heaven, no?



But it may turn out to be Honky Tonk Angel he's plinking away at on his harp.

Or would the de'il just make him listen to Wired For Sound ad infinitum?

In itself, that's certainly enough for me to set the dogs on him.

Time will tell if the accusations are true or malicious.