Sky Tv


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
Had Sky installed a few weeks back. Never had a picture and had to wait a week for an engineer to visit. The guy comes today and says that because of a hundred foot tree at the back of my flat, i will never get a signal and the installer should have known this. So i`m advised to ring customer services to arrange for another engineer to do a de-installation. The bint i speak to tells me i have to write in to arrange this. I erupt down the phone and have cancelled my direct debit and destroyed the crappy silver box they gave me.
I have to say I agree with you that they are crap. I paid for installation of SKY (about a year before I came out here to Gib) in the local Dixons & took a day off work to wait for the intallation guy. I had to wait for an appointment as I had requested a Panasonic set-top box as the Amstrad ones they were providing were shite & they kept having problems with them. The guy turns up, spins me a line about giving me a "tip" so that I can watch Box Office movies for nothing (as many as I want) by wiring up a battery to the back of the box, blah blah. Then he goes outside to fit the dish & promptly told me that I can't get a signal from the front of the house, it has to go on the back. Fine. Then he says that the dish needs to go on a pole too which he doesn't have in the van (although he should) & I will be charged extra for all the extra cabling used, as well as the aborted visit that day. So, I booked another appointment & told SKY I refused to pay for the first one, which they eventually accepted. Then I told them what the first guy had said; no problem, they said. Booked ANOTHER day off work & waited, again. In between, I mugged a SKY engineer of loads of cable (he was best mates with an old school friend so was happy to give us loads of free cabling) so I wouldn't have to pay the extra the first guy was on about. Second guy turns up, says the first guy should've had the pole & should've been able to do it the first time. Then he goes out the back & says that due to an extension we had on the back, they can't fit the dish at all as they would have to climb on a roof (it was about 10ft off the ground) & H&S wouldn't allow it. Then he said that the first guy should have told me this & tells me the only option I have is to contact a private satellite installer who will charge me around £200 for the privelege of installing SKY. Bugger that for a game of soldiers - my Dad lived 200 yards up the road with a full SKY package & the Racing Channel if I was desperate! After all that pollava it took me ages to cancel my contract & get back the deposit I had paid - the bastards tried to take a DD from my bank account too as well as not wanting to pay back what I had already paid! It took many irate trips to Dixons & long, long phonecalls to SKY (they are by far the worst when it comes to sitting in a phone queue) to eventually get it all sorted. I didn't have SKY either at the end of it!!
That`s a terrible indictment on just how useless they are SL. I have no problem with the fact that i cant get a signal, it`s all the pissing about that is irksome. I only want it for the NFL and when United are on anyway so it`s no huge loss. At least racing isn`t threatened like the cricket and i can watch ATR online.
I too have had poor experiences with Sky. We rang to enquire about Racing UK not realising that it was independant. The Customer Server (for want of a better description) went through the rigmarole of upgrading only to tell us later in the phonecall that you couldn't actually pay for it through Sky. SO - b/f said fine please downgrade package again to basic so we could just get ATR but the stupid boll**ks said as it was on the system we would have to put up with the full package for a month. They then billed us for full package for 3 months despite us ringing to downgrade & they said there was no record of us ever requesting a downgrade. Then they tried to sue us for 3 months Sky use - to which we refused and it has fianlly been dropped.

So my advice when dealing with the wankers - take names, dates, times, mothers maiden names, favourite football team etc etc! And tape the bloody conversation!
i just had sky installed in my bedroom last month and the installation wasnt the best as well. However, their customer service wasnt all that bad...could be worse.

Mind you, i think all companies customer service can be improved upon. I havent been in contact with one that is excellent. There is always a blame culture in an office environment...its not my job, not my department, i will transfer you through etc...
Originally posted by Will@Aug 18 2005, 10:04 PM
There is always a blame culture in an office environment...its not my job, not my department, i will transfer you through etc...
I'd just like to point out that this is not actually blame culture. This is feckers like me publicly vilifying managers for not getting the job done properly. Trust me on this, you'll get better service when they do pass you to the correct department.