Slacktivism - The Ica Bucket Challenge

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No offence to those of you who took part in this but it's giving me an enormous pain in the bollocks. Making yourself look good and feel good by posting a video on social media is now charity.
I'm almost 47. The IBC, and one Movember excursion, are my sole 'get involved' charitable contributions to date. By my reckoning, that means I've only got to do two more - if I live to 94 - to be bang-on my average, without looking too 'showy'.

I'm playing the long game.

PS. I do obviously give folding generously to various causes that more energetic types are apt to boost.
Witless billynomates who would saw there own heads off for charity if they thought they could get 10 hits on you tube
Witless billynomates who would saw there own heads off for charity if they thought they could get 10 hits on you tube

I've got you down as a Moe Syszlak type myself, clive.....all crotchety on the outside, but down the orphange reading Dickens to under-nourished urchins, three nights a week.
I'd tell you to google it, but I'm not convinced I've spelt it right.

He's the bar owner in the Simpsons.
The number of charities hardly matters.....and it doesn't really matter how many numb-nuts takes a soaking's all about the bottom-line, and nobody gets hurt (unless they're doing the Ice Bucket Punch challenge, or they're the dopey bint on the horse).
The number of charities hardly matters.....and it doesn't really matter how many numb-nuts takes a soaking's all about the bottom-line, and nobody gets hurt (unless they're doing the Ice Bucket Punch challenge, or they're the dopey bint on the horse).

Good luck to the charities, I fear for the human race tho.

People would eat fecal matter at this stage for their 30 seconds of fame.

As an aside, called me a bitter ******* if you like but I'm sure all the people in countries with either no or filthy water supplies can take comfort in the waste of water by the western world.

Great time to sell ice
As an aside, called me a bitter ******* if you like but I'm sure all the people in countries with either no or filthy water supplies can take comfort in the waste of water by the western world.

I live in Scotland, granger. They're welcome to come and help themselves - we've more than we can handle.*

* Would this qualify as one of my two remaining charitable acts?
ASL have reported they have raised four times as much this year as for the same period last year but given the viral nature of this charity drive that seems a seriously poor return. People sub consciously put give ore value to their tweets and facebook posts then they realise. This is a breeding ground for it.
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Narcissistic attention seeking dressed up as charity. If that makes me a miserable b##tard then so be it. I give to the Bradford City Burns Unit and Marie Curie cancer charities because they are personal to me but I don't need some stupid f'in challenge to do so or a social media circus. Half the people doing it have never heard of ALS or MND. It is the modern day chain mail, similar to those other annoying load of shite such as share this/like this/retweet this and you'll have good luck all day long etc etc. It's as self absorbed as the selfie craze.

There are new posts today saying this ALS only give a small % into research and their Chief Executive spunks the rest on cocaine and hookers judging by the figures posted. Also other posts suggesting they do a lot of testing on animals, that hasn't gone down too well either.

Nobody gets hurt

Unfortunately they usually do, someone always takes it to another level and tries to outdo everyone else, resulting in injury or death.

As an aside I saw a video the other day of a girl taking off her make up and her hair extensions, stating she gets bullied for her looks etc etc. People posting about how brave she was and a role model. WTF - for just letting people see her without a bit of slap and shorter hair. Bravery is the poor kids suffering with cancer that have lost all their hair and don't go begging sympathy on social media. I quite like Twitter but seriously thinking about getting rid of the Facebook account.
Or you could see it as an opportunity for lots of people to have a laugh which they share with a small group of friends whilst raising money. Whilst not a great fan of social media the majority of its users are just keeping in touch with friends and family. Families, and friendships, are necessarily far more geographically spread than they were and the likes of Facebook enable interaction that would otherwise be absent
This is nothing to do with charity though. It's just "hashtag activism" where instead of actually doing something, you can just pretend like you're doing something by posting it on Facebook
When I read the 'ICA bucket' in the title Slim, I imagined it would be about a load of Mammies from the bog, baking cakes, doing needlework and then throwing icy water over each other.

ICA girls usually video themselves in coppers on a Sunday night in the colours of their native county. They are referred to as "cum buckets".
[nobody gets hurt]

Unfortunately they usually do, someone always takes it to another level and tries to outdo everyone else, resulting in injury or death.

As an aside I saw a video the other day of a girl taking off her make up and her hair extensions, stating she gets bullied for her looks etc etc. People posting about how brave she was and a role model. WTF - for just letting people see her without a bit of slap and shorter hair. Bravery is the poor kids suffering with cancer that have lost all their hair and don't go begging sympathy on social media. I quite like Twitter but seriously thinking about getting rid of the Facebook account.

Good points, mowgli.

And the young lad from up the north east died after taking the challenge beyond the ice bucket. The facts haven't been verified yet but it seems he may have decided to follow up the challenge by jumping into a reservoir.