So True

To each their own !

Very unfunny I thought and seldom have swear words been used to so little comic effect . Can't stand Lee Evans - his stupid gurning . He is like Norman Wisdom without the talent ( and NW doesn't have much)
Just looked at the Lee Evans clip. I don't take to him because he probably sprays sweat 50 yards and over-emotes and over-gurns every single line as if they all have the same quality of humour, which they don't. I thought Peter Kay did the old 'they're in the last place you look' gag some time ago, with a much quieter dig at the idiocy of the remark? Still, some folks prefer their humour in the equivalent of Big Print Books.
Er, how would I know, since I don't know what you were watching. I accessed the link provided, which informed me that 'this video has been removed due to abuse' or some such thing. I scrolled down a bit and found the one I've mentioned. There were a number of other clips I haven't looked at yet.
Yeah it was originally the scene from Fawlty Towers where his car breaks down and he gets out and goes mad, before whacking it with a stick! :lol:

Realised the link had broken, and changed it. :ph34r: