So What Answer Do You Require?


At the Start
May 3, 2003
Banstead, Surrey
In the dim and distant past, when studying statistics - remember standard deviation and all that stuff? - I recall hearing about the importance of how a question to be asked in a poll was framed. It is vital that such a question is neutral so as not to influence the answer.

So I was interested to read the wording of a question that was aked in last week's Daily Telegraph/YouGov poll:

"How confident are you that, if outsiders donate more money to Africa, their money will be spent wisely, rather than being wasted or finding its way into the pockets of criminals and corrupt governments?"

Yup, that just about sums up The Telegraph ..

I remember my Statistics teacher lending me a book entitled "How to lie with statistics" - an excellent read

Yes, it certainly is a loaded question.

But luckily, also one that hardly needs be asked, in whatever form we might prefer.

Rather than try to get people to drive to Edinburgh or row across the channel to support his cause, Geldof should exhort us to save resources and cut out the middle man, by sending money direct to bank accounts in Zurich. Bokassa may be dead, but throughout Africa his spirit lives on.