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Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
A University of Oxford student who avoided prison after stabbing her boyfriend has appealed against the suspended sentence handed to her.
Lavinia Woodward, 24, received a 10-month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months, for stabbing her then partner with a breadknife in a drunken attack.
The presiding judge in the original case reportedly told Woodward that a custodial sentence could damage her career prospects and was therefore too severe.
The judge’s remarks led to accusations of leniency and tabloid headlines including “Too clever for prison”. They also provoked a debate about social and racial inequalities in the judicial system.
Woodward – who lives in Milan with her mother – has now applied to the court of appeal to review her sentence, which was delivered at Oxford crown court in September this year.
“Lavinia Woodward has submitted an application for permission to appeal,” said a spokesman for the Judicial Communications Office. “The next stage is for a single judge to consider the application on paper and if permission is granted it then the substantive appeal will be heard in court before three judges.”
The stabbing occurred on 30 September 2016 when Woodward’s partner, a University of Cambridge student whom she met on Tinder, visited her in Oxford.
He infuriated Woodward after contacting her mother with his concerns about her drinking. She became “extremely angry” and began throwing objects at him before stabbing him in the leg.
Woodward pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding and has since returned to a clinic for continued treatment for drug and alcohol problems and an eating disorder.
Woodward was an aspiring heart surgeon and medicine student at Christ Church college who has had articles published in medical journals. She was originally meant to be sentenced earlier this year after admitting unlawful wounding, but the judge deferred her sentence for four months to allow her to demonstrate good behaviour.
As part of these efforts, she voluntarily suspended her studies at Oxford but could return, take an academic research job or begin a PhD at another university.
Prior to sentencing the judge Ian Pringle QC said: “It seems to me that if this was a one-off, a complete one-off, to prevent this extraordinarily able young lady from not following her long-held desire to enter the profession she wishes to would be a sentence which would be too severe.”
James Sturman QC, her lawyer, said the judge’s comments had been taken out of context and it was wrong to say the defendant had been treated leniently because of her academic achievement.
Passing sentence, Pringle said there were “many mitigating features” in her case, including her spotless prior record, and added: “I find that you were genuinely remorseful following this event.”
“Whilst you are a clearly highly intelligent individual, you had an immaturity about you which was not commensurate for someone of your age.”
“You have demonstrated over the last nine months that you are determined to rid yourself of your alcohol and drug addiction and have undergone extensive treatment including counselling to address the many issues that you face,” he continued.
The judicial watchdog later threw out three complaints against Pringle because they did not relate to his personal conduct..

If your names Lavinia.white and attend oxford and are going to be a heart surgeon looks like you can do what the f*ck you like,i take it this will apply to if you're black or white working class unemployed or shovelling sh!t leniency will be given as well that's a million isn't it.Everythings come up hunky dory for the privileged yet again...
The local drunken down-and-out who beat up my grandfather for the few shillings he had on him got a 30/- fine. (That's £1.50 to the younger ones.)

My grandfather died a few weeks later, having given up the will to live.

Lawyers and administrators of justice are as much to blame.
I was amazed to see that she was considering an appeal against an already lenient sentence - perhaps she agrees with gigilo?

Suspended sentence still means criminal-record, which would complicate and/or restrict her options for travel/work in other jurisdictions.

I reckon this is what has prompted her appeal.
Suspended sentence still means criminal-record, which would complicate and/or restrict her options for travel/work in other jurisdictions.

I reckon this is what has prompted her appeal.

Pretty sure Lavinia will get that criminal record deleted in the near future regardless..
A surgeon who burned his initials on to the livers of two patients during transplant surgery has been given a 12-month community order and fined £10,000.

Simon Bramhall, 53, used an argon beam – used to stop livers bleeding during operations and to highlight an area to be worked on – to sign “SB” into his patient’s livers. The marks left by argon do not impair the liver’s function and disappear by themselves.

In December, the liver, spleen and pancreas surgeon admitted two counts of assault by beating. The offences relate to the incidents on 9 February and 21 August 2013. Prosecutors accepted his not guilty pleas to the more serious charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Bramhall was first suspended from his post as a consultant surgeon at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth hospital in 2013 after another surgeon spotted the initials during follow-up surgery on one of his patients. A photograph of the 4cm-high branding was taken on a mobile phone.

Bramhall tendered his resignation the following summer amid an internal disciplinary investigation into his conduct. Speaking to the press at the time, he said marking his initials on to his patients’ livers had been a mistake. He now works for the NHS in Herefordshire.

Opening the facts of the case against Bramhall, Tony Badenoch QC, prosecuting, said one of the surgeon’s victims had been left feeling violated and suffering psychological harm.

“This case is about his practice on two occasions, without the consent of the patient and for no clinical reason whatever, to burn his initials on to the surface of a newly transplanted liver,” said Badenoch.

Badenoch said of the initial transplant operation: “Mr Bramhall had to work exceptionally hard and use all of his skill to complete the operation. At the end of the operation he performed a liver biopsy using the argon beam coagulator, and then used it to burn his initials.”

The court heard that a nurse had asked what the marks were and Bramhall replied: “I do this.” The surgeon later told police he had “flicked his wrist” and made the mark within a few seconds.

“He knew that the action could cause no harm to the patient. He also said that in hindsight this was naive and foolhardy – a misjudged attempt to relieve the tension in theatre,” Badenoch said

The judge, Paul Farrer QC, ordered Bramhall to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work. He told Bramhall: “Both of the operations were long and difficult. I accept that on both occasions you were tired and stressed and I accept that this may have affected your judgment. This was conduct born of professional arrogance of such magnitude that it strayed into criminal behaviour.

“What you did was an abuse of power and a betrayal of trust that these patients had invested in you. I accept that you didn’t intend or foresee anything but the most trivial of harm would be caused.”

The Queen Elizabeth hospital said in a statement: “The trust is clear that Mr Bramhall made a mistake in the context of a complex clinical situation and this has been dealt with via the appropriate authorities, including the trust as his then employer. We can reassure his patients that there was no impact whatsoever on the quality of his clinical outcomes.”

Bramhall was issued with a formal warning by the General Medical Council in February 2017. The body said his conduct had not met the standards required of a doctor.

“While this failing in itself is not so serious as to require any restriction on Mr Bramhall’s registration, it is necessary in response to issue this formal warning,” it said at the time

Fat white surgeon doing what likes...gets a £10,000 fine laughable two weeks work..
I read about this case today. The guy should be struck off. He is "no' right in the heid", as we say up here.

I don't understand why the BMA didn't commission a psycho-analyst to dissect the kind of personality disorder it would take to carry out such acts.

I recall when our cooncil hoose was converted to natural gas we completely refurbed the living-room to accommodate the alterations and fitting of the new gas fire. I was about 15 maybe so my eldest brother would have been 19 and the youngest 11. We wrote stuff on the walls once they were stripped back to the plaster and that stuff lay undisturbed behind new gyproc until around the mid 1990s when the next big refurb took place and we rediscovered our earlier caveman messages and signatures. There was a primeval sense of leaving our mark about it and it strikes me that this is what this lunatic was doing, only with human canvases. Did he want these people to end up dead so that a pathologist could discover who had done the transplants??? Was this to be his legacy to the nation?
These are just minor league in comparison to the discipable Mc Canns,wether you believe they had or had nothing to do with daughters death the whole thing as an investigation just stunk throughout,another example of the elite and friends of the elite making the thing a complete whitewash.The strangest thing i've ever seen in my lifetime and no doubt with Mc Canns friends involved nothing ever will be concluded the whole thing just stinks of something huge and a lot of persons involved..The untouchables revealing themselves again..
Don't have to be the elite just knowing them will do,vile individuals even if you just look at them from a neglect point of view luckily they must have some good friends that came to their aid..
Correct, Ali. Not that that stops the conspiracy theorists.

They left two very small children in a hotel room alone in a foreign country ffs.
They are/were doctors they should have known better.
The only thing about the conspiracies I'll say is that the McCanns helped facilitate some of those with all the crap that ensued. I'm with G.
They are reprehensible individuals
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They left two very small children in a hotel room alone in a foreign country ffs.
They are/were doctors they should have known better.
The only thing about the conspiracies I'll say is that the McCanns helped facilitate some of those with all the crap that ensued. I'm with G.
They are reprehensible individuals

Let he who is without sin....
I have read a lot of the stuff about the McCanns from various sources.

While the case they make appears strong, I cannot bring myself to believe they had anything to do with their daughter's disappearance other than being perhaps neglectful in leaving the children unattended.

Where, for me, most of the anti-McCann conspirators lose their credibility is that nearly all of them somewhere along the line go on to argue that the moon landings were faked.
I have read a lot of the stuff about the McCanns from various sources.

I cannot bring myself to believe they had anything to do with their daughter's disappearance other than being perhaps neglectful in leaving the children unattended.

Where, for me, most of the anti-McCann conspirators lose their credibility is that nearly all of them somewhere along the line go on to argue that the moon landings were faked.

Woe is me. "Being perhaps neglectful" is like saying Trump is having a bad hair day when he launches into one of his racist tirades.

I'm not an anti McCann conspirator, I have no idea if they killed their two kids and I could not care less about these miscreants but your last sentence seems like something out of fake news central
Woe is me. "Being perhaps neglectful" is like saying Trump is having a bad hair day when he launches into one of his racist tirades.

I'm not an anti McCann conspirator, I have no idea if they killed their two kids and I could not care less about these miscreants but your last sentence seems like something out of fake news central

I would respectfully ask the question how many people have never left their children unattended?

On you average package holiday where there is a kids' monitoring service [to enable parents to enjoy their evenings without having the kids right beside them] the monitoring staff only look in on the children every so often. Are those parents being neglectful? Is the holiday company being neglectful by not having more staff available to makes checks more frequent?

The answer is a matter of opinion, hence my use of the 'perhaps'.

Killed their two kids? Have I missed something?

I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at with your last remark. Like I say, nearly all of the anti-McCann stuff I've read has been from people who have also claimed the moon landings were faked.
From what I`ve read they were good parents before their daughters abduction and have been good parents since. They were popular and respected professionally. They made one terrible "mistake" with terrible, terrible consequences for their daughter. A mistake they deeply, deeply regret and which must haunt and torment them every single day. And yet despite the compassion felt by, I would suggest, most people they still have to suffer the "vile" comments of some. Very sad.
Like most parents I’ve left sleeping kids unattended. With monitoring devices but still unattended. I cast no judgement on the McCanns for that.

But I can’t shake the feeling there’s something not quite right with them. The way they’ve conducted themselves is weird.