Sorry For The Downtime


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
Sorry to everyone for the recent downtime, although the domain was paid for over a month ago, nominet didn't update properly and the domain was suspended.

Coupled with me working from about 9am to 8pm every day this week (and working tomorrow and xmas eve :( ) it meant i couldn't get it sorted as quickly as i liked

Anyway my apologies again, and have a good Christmas everyone

Poor old sausage - you're doing too much, Col! My own pc was down, too, thanks to NTL, so I didn't miss the out, but it's good to know that all's resolved now. Thanks - again - for providing us all with this platform, Col. Many of us would be very sorry to ever lose it and the friendship with other racing fans. Have a good Christmas when you can schedule it in (!) and hopefully a slightly less frenzied 2007! ;)
I am sure I speak for the overwhelming majority when I say that I'd be happy to help with the remittances due, Col. Many continued thanks.
Yes, Happy Christmas, Col. Let's hope you manage to get some time off in The New Year.
After the uber-noshing that a lot of the forum will have done, it's probably not just the site which exceeded its bandwidth, Col! Well done - again! ;)
if people would just use the affilaite links that would pay for the site :)

thanks for the offers, but as said before I don't mind paying for the site - it doesn't cost that much, although this is the first time we have ever gone over the 10gb bandwidth, so well done lol