Spins Upsurge.


Mar 2, 2018
Just recently I've witnessed a huge increase in the number of junk mail in my Live.co.uk ac, which is the one connected to this site, offering me 'free spins' etc. I'm wondering why this might be and do wonder if it may be connected to the revamp of this site.

Is it possible that, when re-registering for Talking Horses, my details have been passed on to these spin gamble sites and monetised?

Has anyone else noticed a similar upsurge?

Also, I suppose, for the management here; do you sell such information to interested parties?
I've only seen normal numbers, normally from bookies I have accounts with and hence they're trying to get me to play with 'horse' money on casino games - Skybet, WH, Betvictor. They all do it.

It is extremely unlikely it has any relation to your TH account and I can pretty much guarantee (based on lengthy experience of how these things work) that no one on this site sells any info to 3rd parties.

It's possible that an account (not necessarily this one, but could be any betting/gambling-related site you have an account with that associates your email address with it) got hacked at some point (or the entire site membership database got hacked) and then touted round the internet. Got in the hands of email spammers and you're one of thousands getting the same mail.

The best clue will be in who they are from. (ie the sender's email address). List some (or send on pm) and I can give thoughts.