Spirit of the age...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
A Japanese airline is doing its bit for the environment by asking its passengers to visit the lavatory before boarding the plane. All Nippon Airways says the policy is designed to make passengers lighter - so that the plane uses less fuel and carbon emissions are reduced. Staff at the boarding gate will ask travellers if they "have been".

And to continue the lavatorial theme: children at a secondary school in Co. Cork were asked to bring in their own lavatory paper to save money. Schools across the country are facing funding problems and many are expected to adopt similar cost-cutting initiatives.
Education is getting hit hard by accountants trying to get the books under control. Schools are having to try everything to make ends meet. One genius commisioned to find savings suggested closing all the Garda stations in the countryside to save a €million :blink:....I shit you not !
Unbelievable - I suppose the kids will have to buy their own textbooks soon, if they want to be educated at all!

I suppose there is an answer to all these cries of poverty - have big companies sponsor various schools and colleges' courses. Hilton and other hoteliers could sponsor all the catering and hotel business educators, provided they could cherry-pick the best kids for work in their business after graduation. Chemical companies ditto with Science tutors, etc., Saatchi & Saatchi the courses in graphic design, art, sales & marketing, etc. Problem solved.
No! Say it isn't so! And we get appeals to send money to distant lands, because the kids there have to supply their own books and pencils?
Unbelievable - I suppose the kids will have to buy their own textbooks soon
We had to, and share as well.
Maybe that's why I never got to Uni (it isn't actually, there was a pecuniary reason)
ps: We did get a small bottle of free milk, though!
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Record on the minutes of a major cross-county meeting held in May stated that it was decided to order 1.5cm narrower loo rolls for use across the Trust.

A false economy surely, as everyone will use more to make up the difference.:lol:
No! Say it isn't so! And we get appeals to send money to distant lands, because the kids there have to supply their own books and pencils?

Free education in Ireland, you just have to pay for the books, Loo role and get notes home asking if you've paid your voluntary subscription.
Free education in Ireland, you just have to pay for the books, Loo role and get notes home asking if you've paid your voluntary subscription.

I recall carrying notes home asking if parents would send in cleaning products. That was twenty years ago. Nice to know times have moved on!
Good grief. Having been tolerated until the age of 16 in a colonial outpost (Llewellin High School, Ndola, Zambia, to be exact), until my final school report informed my parents that unless 'he' did better next term, 'he' ought to think of getting a job, I'm astounded. We had excellent supplies of bog paper, although it might have been the dreaded slippery sheets of Izal - likely to inflict a strategic paper cut, given the chance - and we were certainly issued with basic writing implements. Why, we even had proper tilt-top desks, a chair each, ink in the inkwells, and - gosh! - chalk for the teacher's boards. Such unbridled and unabashed luxury - I feel quite guilty thinking about it now.