Stan Moore


At the Start
Jul 25, 2006
I caught up with the Moores at the Queen's Arms in East Garston yesterday after racing - just like old times :D

Both Stan and Sara seem very well and chipper, and I get a sense they are in many respects quite relieved by the turn of events. A few owners who had bowed out of the yard after the move to Uplands have expressed a wish to come back, and Stan is very happy with his current crop of 2yr olds [which I saw c6 weeks ago and they do look very big, strong and forward]

They are very much hoping to stay in the Lambourn area and there are a couple of yards they've looked at locally; nothing decided yet though. They have several months grace, but understandably want to get out of Uplands and into their own yard asap.

I heard a bit about what went wrong, which was pretty much as you'd expect in such a situation - decisions being taken out of their hands. I can't say any more than that. But they are fine financially and look on the experience in a positive way, esp as they have been inundated with support from a wide spectrum of people in racing, which they very much appreciate. The general consensus in the Queen's was "it's great to have you back"!! - the Hay connection and the demands it made on them had made them a bit remote.

I wish them all the best for the coming season and I'll let you know as soon as Sara tells me where they are going, which she promised to do. We had a good laugh about my terror that they might be tempted by the job with Willie McKay :laughing:
I can report that the offer was made norty