

At the Start
May 4, 2003
I thought I'd take the hound for a good walk tonight to try and use up some of my nervous, stressful energy. hoping the exercise would release enough endorphins to ease the pain of the reality of not backing New Seeker when I thought I had 14/1.

As we walked I was almost hypnotised by the soft birdsong all around. On a rooftop I spotted what looked like a thrush doing its entire repertoire; somewhere unseen a blackbird was wooing its partner; from under cover of dense foliage in the trees in a nearby copse I could hear wood pigeons cooing melodiously; the starlings were nattering away merrily and an owl hooted softly in reply.

Then one of the wee b@stards sh@t on me.
It could be a lucky bird sh@t Maurice - just wait and see. :) Just keep the faith and stay away from those cooing and poohing birdies in the future.
My nan always used to say that it was good luck if a bird pooped on you. She also said if you see a Thrush then somebody is going to die and that's continued to freak me out for the rest of my days. I hate seeing because I always think bad things are going to happen :confused:
I thought it was a JACKDAW regards seeing one was bad luck seeing two was lucky.....
having a stray bird in your house is supposedly unlucky too ....but I have had a few in my time... and they have treated me very well indeed.......... :P :lol: :lol: