Super Cats

It was supposed to be BEARS! :rant: I wanted to see the advertised programme and wondered what the heck was going on. Nasty to see that a bigger male tiger had killed an 8-month old male tiger, wasn't it? Very interesting CGIs on bite mechanics, tho' too many cute little beasties, like warthogs (which I adore) shown being throttled, so turned to something else. I WANT THE BEARS!
I caught the last 5 minutes of Super Cats, by which point they were debating whether a Liger would survive/be an improvement on either a Lion or Tiger. Think I must have missed the best of the programme.

The Bears are next week apparently.
Ah, thanks, c/f. I'd circled the programme in my Radio Times and being an befuddled old crone, it took me about ten minutes to realise that we weren't going to be seeing any bruins! :rolleyes: Weren't there once 'tigons'? Can't remember, but I think there was some sort of cross-breeding done in a zoo a long time ago - mostly for public amusement, I think, rather than serious breeding experimentation.