Tablet Side Effects.


Jul 19, 2006
North Herts
Nearly all the various tablets that I have to take list a possible side effect: “may cause constipation or diarrhoea”
I really need to know which and when!

Bit of a bugger, I tested positive this morning and the TV is in the wrong room :mad:
I was on Rifapicin and izonaside for over a year and the side effects included Constipation, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea, insomnia etc etc I always felt like **** constantly but never had many of those affect me but near the end of my treatment I got hit with an old enemy of mines that hadn't bothered me in 20 years..IBS...Which caused constipation and a pain like someone stabbed you and kept twisting it. It lasted 4 days of constant pain unable to sleep then suddenly boom boom boom! Relief...and your worried that you might get caught short....Can I suggest you do what I did, pop along to you local Gov.UK and apply for a permit to shyte in the street....:lol:
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Sertraline,a tablet for depression.side effects include depression,feeling strange,,anxiety, agitation and nervousness.
Inhaler. Can cause breathlessness
Statin. Can cause depression,breathing problems
Amlodipine.shortness of breath,,mood changes,depression.

And it says on one,please consult your doctor or chemist before taking these tablets.well they just gave them me.
I prefer constipation to diarrhoea. I live with constipation.
I’m on Sertraline and lots of other stuff that I can’t even pronounce let alone spell.
Major medication is Azacetidine and Venetoclax.
I keep thinking about “White Rabbits” by Jefferson Airplane!
Yes, it would seem quite a few of us are at the stage our daily routes are mapped out by convenience stops along the way.
Thankfully I take nothing at all so side effects don't apply.

I recently was asked to have a check up for something (let's just say the though of the worst case scenario meant that there was no way that I'd suffer from constipation until I was told I'd got the all clear:whistle:) and when the nurse asked me what I was taking and I said "nothing" she gave me a look as if to say at your age, are you sure?
Back in the 80s I worked for a car hire firm as a recovery driver and there was a guy who was 70 who used to come in and sweep up and do other jobs .he was so active and energetic I admired him and thought I hope I'm like that when I'm 70.

Well I reached 70 and I'm not.
Once you get to 50 the yearly finger up the arse by the docs is inevitable,you can go in with something completely unrelated and end up having a prostate exam..:lol::surrender::surrender:
Constipation of chronic can be very debilitating,i had it fir years with all the medications i was taking and last year,was effecting my wole health got into the habit of taking movocol recently been a total life saver..:rolleyes::surrender:
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Just seen another instruction on my meds "keep in a dry place and away from children".

I've been trying to do that most of my life!
Any of our members experienced severe palputations?

There has been no real pain in the chest just an increased heart rate and what sometimes feels like an irregular heartbeat.

I have had these for the past two weeks and last nights were the worst by far.

I have had three covid jabs, 2 astra zenica early last year and 1 pfizer booster jab in December last year...

I am just not sure if the vaccines have caused this.

I am seeing a doctor tomorrow, (waited a month for an appointment).

I have no history of heart trouble.

The doctors said I have an athletes heart a few years ago which I am guessing meant it was in very good order at that time anyway.

I have read smoking too much, excessive caffine intake and anxiety are all causes of palputations.

I am guilty of all of the above.
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Any of our members experienced severe palputations?

There has been no real pain in the chest just an increased heart rate and what sometimes feels like an irregular heartbeat.

You may be backing too many horses ridden by Tom Scudamore.
Yep have all these things had them for 12-15 years,i had a heart condtion called Wolf Parkinson White went undiagnosed for 2 years,i was up a@e every few months in the early hours of the morning,they tried to convince me it was stress anxiety etc,i knew it wasn't as had nothing like it befire..So i was on beta blockers and anti depressants and benzos,because it went on for so long it put me in a deep depression till it eventually got diagnosed,had an ablation but have had ptoblems since with a faster than normal heart rate..The worst thing are the ectopics,feels like missed beats when infact they are extra beats,soimetimes i get them for weeks and all day long,all the things ypu've mentioned could cause them,it could be absolutely anything and not forgetting covid,there are over 900,000 people with these sort of problems from covid..and the numbers are risong this is from people who had mild symptoms as well..There's also a slight chance of myocardittus from the vaccones but is from what i can make out still pretty rare,unless you go on utube and read the rightwing whack jobs,they'd rather believe vaccones are making people unwel rather than a deadly virus that has killed 18,000,000 people,obviously if you get it motre than once it must increase chances of beng prone to more illness..It might be nothing's a link to similar symptoms from long covid.
It usually gets worse with watching the BBC as well,that's why i stopped watching it two years ago..:thumbsup:
Disclaimer : I am obviously not a doctor.

But something you could try, Marb......

Breathe in through the nose with mouth closed for a count of 4
You breathe in such a way that the diaphragm raises (ie it feels like your stomach area is expanding, rather than the lungs. So if you put a hand on your stomach, you would feel it pushing outwards)
Hold the breath for a count of 4
Breathe out slowly through the mouth for a count of 8 (it feels like you are gently blowing air out through the lips)

When you get used to it, you can make the breath out a longer one so it feels like you are emptying the stomach of air and bringing it inwards towards the spine (this has other reportedly beneficial physiological effects).

Among other (positive) things this is doing to the Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide levels in the blood, it acts to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (the part of the nervous system responsible for controlling the organs that you can't control through direct physical action - heart, liver etc)

You can read more about it here....

Obviously, this doesn't mean a lot (because we're all different) but I occasionally used to get small flutters (not quite the sort of palpitations you seem to be experiencing) and this type of breathing seems to have stopped it.

Once you are used to it, then twice a day - for 8 repetitions each time - make it 4 in, hold 7, out 8. This has other reportedly beneficial physiological effects, over time.

NOTE Nasal breathing is believed to be highly important for wellbeing in general. It takes conscious thought to do it, many of us just naturally breathe in through the mouth a lot of the time.
Marb, tachycardia is one of a number of health problems that I have, heart rate jumps up to around 200, no pain, sometimes more often than not I am not aware of it It did frighten the anaesthetist (sp?) on duty when I was in for bowel surgery. You are doing the right thing by seeing your GP. I wouldn't get yourself in a state about it, if you do have an irregular heartbeat it is best to know about it and be able to treat it. Good luck.