tales of the crypt!


Mar 8, 2016
This is my thread. Don't agree? Then call an election for goodness sake.

It's the Peter Tworney horse DECRYPT that it's about.

I will be posting updates about him throughout his racing career. I believe in him.

A possible runner in France on Sunday.
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Google FRANCE GALOP press the circle on l/h side press racing,press group 1's.
Decrypt not entered
Cheers. I'm happy as I want to see him in England next time.
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Mind you any man that can breed a group 1 winner while still in school is entitled to do things his own way.
Gone to Frankie Lor's to have a crack at the Hong Kong Series which apparently starts early next year.

Anyone know the schedule of the races

Are the distances the same for each race?
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Decrypt ran a good third on his first start in Hong Kong.

Next start is possibly January 5th.

Hopefully get some anti post betting for The Hong Kong series races and derby from our bookmakers soon.
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Next step...Sha Tin possibly this Sunday at 9:00pm on Sky.

If I had a mortgage, which I don't, and was that way inclined, I could think of worse horses to do it on. :)

He isn't just going to Decrypt the opposition, but fry them :)
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I will be keeping the faith.

His first two starts have been handicaps and no doubt the horse is still getting the hang of racing in Hong Kong.

The extra furlong in these series races will surely suit him. He has been staying on too late in the day.

As a bettor you know you'd get a fair price on his next start as well.

The Hong Kong Classic mile is on January 27th.

I am still waiting for some anti post prices.
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The value of these series races is really eye watering. You are talking about millions of dollars in these. Some of the most lucrative races in the world.

Hopefully some anti post betting is provided nearer the time.
Rubbish. He's never been out the places in his life.

You'll see the best of him on the 27th.

Good horses win good prizes.
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Hopefully he won't need to be gelded to see the best of him.

A class specimen he'll turn out to be.
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He needs gelding and back over here for the Stewards Cup.

Fair play to Golden Sixty. A class act.