Talking Horses - Worst Info/Advice

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Let's all break the ice a bit here, I see things are getting very heated in other threads so we could do with a little bit of a cooler.

Right, I've been reading The Derby thread in the Forum Gold area of the wesbite and have come across a right corking little gem.

Fancy Black Bear Island and had a whisper for Sirgarfieldsobers too.

Add yours!

There must be some gems that we could laugh about, please no one take this to heart - Start 2012 off with some light relief.
Let's all break the ice a bit here, I see things are getting very heated in other threads so we could do with a little bit of a cooler.

Right, I've been reading The Derby thread in the Forum Gold area of the wesbite and have come across a right corking little gem.

Add yours!

There must be some gems that we could laugh about, please no one take this to heart - Start 2012 off with some light relief.

Get your own gags. That was my spot.
How long have you got?

Stop beating around the bush! I'm sure we'd all love to know who I used to post under.

There must be someone out there that resembles the way I post online, for them to be a Horse Racing fan is one thing but for them to be named Bruce Savage is another.
You're right, I shouldn't make you wait but weight doesn't matter...

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If he phones me, I'll know it's Phil... we had a very pleasant conversation many years ago. If it was Phil, of course, and not his wee cuzzie from Troon...

Brucie/Phil/Swirly Chaser/Dayna Jane Stirling II... there's nearly a flippin' stableful of them!
If he phones me, I'll know it's Phil... we had a very pleasant conversation many years ago. If it was Phil, of course, and not his wee cuzzie from Troon...

Brucie/Phil/Swirly Chaser/Dayna Jane Stirling II... there's nearly a flippin' stableful of them!

He is sad enough to get someone else to ring you.
Well, 'odd', rather than 'sad'. I'm sure getting someone else to call would make him delirious with glee! :lol: But then, I say he phoned me... but was it me, or was it a pal in on the gag? Sometimes it's good to spoof the spoofer, just for a bit of harmless sport, Dennis. ;)
Sam Waley-Cohen is not 0-9 round Aintree's Grand National course Kri - you only need to look up a certain Triumph Hurdle winner to see just how good his record is round Aintree.
Ah, perhaps adding "Bruce" after your sentence would've helped us to understand what you were on about! It's not me that needs to look things up, though, as I didn't make the remark. Bruce isn't known for making statements based in fact - I suspect he does it as a fishing expedition to see who's taking any notice of him.
It's amazing how quickly he disappears from threads when he doesn't catch any bait. He just hopes they fall of the end of screen while he starts another couple of threads to begin the process again. It's very tiresome.

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He leads a lonely life in his council flat, Slim, 25 storeys up and with a malfunctioning lift, meaning that sometimes he's trapped for days at a time, now that he's a bit disabled by that old parkeur accident. Not quite making the flip at six floors up doesn't do your ankles much good, and the new teeth were hellish expensive. :D So forgive him his impish little ways, as he battles bravely with an eating disorder brought on by the stress of waiting for the compensation cheque to come through. (Not for the parkeur fall, but for having his ears cropped by an enraged punter at Hamilton, who mistook him for Sir Bloody, who'd cost him a fortune - again.)
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I am here, I just find both of you tiresom and boring.

I've told Administration that the best thing for me to do is go away from the forum for a few days in order to let things cool down as we have a highly volitile and low threshold infastructure that can only crumble when someone as powerfully opinionated as myself enters the fray.

Very much like the Fukashima Nuclear Plant, we don't want the tanks to boil so turn down the cooling system - I won't leave any notice but you'll know when I am on vacation.
Good luck, Brucie! Missing you already! Somehow we'll try desperately to keep things together, crumbling and volatile as we all are... loving the adverbial overdrive, by the way...

The Frowning Witch.
Can you follow through on this one as well Bruce. Your last hiatus didn;t last very long...