Tech Help Required


At the Start
May 2, 2003
I had a recent problems with windows becoming corrupt and refusing to boot up. The only remedy seemed to be a new HDD and I bought a new copy of XP. After loading up the new HDD with XP and setting everything up, I then installed the old HDD on the second SATA port and it still worked. So I was able to retrieve my data.

The only thing that doesn't work is the onboard sound card in my motherboard. Device Manager says I need to install the correct drivers. Trouble is, I have no idea what drivers I need or how to find that out. Any clues?
Did you build the PC yourself? and if so did the motherboard come with a CD with the drivers on it.

If not then you need to determine the make and model of your motherboard (not an easy thing to do - try any documentation you got with the machine, or even looking at the MB itself and see if it is written on) and then google the drivers or visit the manufacturers website and download them.

Good luck!
I had EXACTLY the same problem, i wiped it and rebooted it again and when asking for the setup options i think where it says unkown device do you want to find it on the internet? Well the second time i got the internet to find it and it came up with a list of sound options but i cant remember which one i chose.

The bad news though is that my computer 3 weeks later went back to before just like yours did, just a blank black screen when booting up so just bought a brand new one from Dell.
Have you tried right clicking the sound card info in device manager and asking windows to search the internet ?
I didn't build it myself - it is an advent machine that came with Windows XP installed and just a recovery disc. (you get what you pay for!)
I think I have tried that, Pro, but I will have another go tonight. I'll also whip the lid off and check for the Motherboard make. I looked through the BIOS but it didn't reval anything. Thanks for the help.
In the past I have resorted to googling the make and model of the PC and trying to dig up the tech specs.
It worked! I googled the make and Model and foudn the sound drivers that way! They are AC Realtek for what it's worth. Thanks to all for the help - even Bar The Bull!