Tech help

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005

How do I over-ride my printer telling me I can't use it because it doesn't recognise the cartridges?

They are supposed to be genuine cartridges.
Google the printer user manual and look at error messages eg. 'canon 4250 printer error messages'

^^^ DO - anyone can use this for anything. My father in law who is well into his 80's had a printer problem so asked me as his "expert" to sort it for him. Me?!? you couldn't get much more of a dinosaur than me. But all I did was googled "[computer name] printing brown should be green" and read the answer then fixed it - easy even for me to do that & my reputation is enhanced in his eyes:lol:
Thanks, guys. Apparently by allowing an online firmware upgrade I've scuppered any chances of over-riding the system.

I'm not happy. I can't print off tomorrow's cards for studying in my usual fashion. It will take me twice as long to get through the form.

I am not a happy bunny right now.
Just to confirm, I've done more research on this problem and it seems there is nothing I can do. My 'mistake', it seems, is that I allowed firmware updates as they came in and that means there is no going back. It seems the issue affects genuine Epson cartridges (as mine are) just as readily as compatibles.

Epson do NOT* appear to care about problems created for customers. They just want you to buy more cartridges to resolve the issue while my research suggests that buying new cartridges is just as likely to meet with the same problems.

It really isn't good enough.

I wrote a very negative message on Epson's Fb page and they replied very quickly, asking for details so that they could look into the problem. Two days later, no further reply. Says it all, I suppose.

I'll give them one more chance to fix it but it looks like I'll have to buy a new printer.

*Edit inserted when I re-read this today!

They replied this morning saying their support office closed over the weekend but they're looking into it.

Aye. Right.
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Having contacted Which? Legal, it seems to have sparked a more positive response and although Epson treated me like some sort of thicko (I am as far as some things go but there are others that are obvious even to me, like have you taken out the old cartridge or have you put in the new one, etc) I managed to find a combination of button presses that got the printer to recognise the cartridges so it has been spared from the sledgehammer.

All in all not at all satisfactory.

It also turns out I had the good sense to take out an extended warranty with it. As I'd bought the machine in Oct 2016 the extended warranty had kicked and the insurance company said they'd replace, refund or offer a voucher to the original full value of the machine should Epson be unable to get it going again.

But I've been four days without it. I really only needed it for Saturday's racing but it was a serious inconvenience for me. I could argue I'd have made more money than I did as I would have had time to study races I left alone and might well have backed a winner or winners of but no point now in crying over spilt thingummy.

But I'd still seriously warn against Epson.