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Teen Age Fantasy's (i've Met Mine)


Dormant account
Jun 6, 2005
Alright Debbie Harry was a bit older, but forumites of a certain generation will appreciate where I'm coming from. She was good!! I have to say she was doing a sound check at Warwick Uni, and some of us wanted to watch and did, and then the security thing kicked in. And Debbie (God bless her.... Seriously) said she wouldn't play that night if we couldn't stay, and watch their faults etc.

The principal reason for posting this is because ive dug out some old Blondie compilation, whilst spitting nails about todays Epsom.

and for when anyone who remembers?

"Union City Blue" was her best.... thumping good baseline, with wailing sapranos, delivered on a NY dockland? powerful sexy woman or what? and pitch perfect too?
Yes, she was a favourite of mine for a while. Not particularly for her voice though.
Oomph! I think we used to call it.
I've never understood guys' fascination with Debbie Harry. She isn't exactly good looking to start with and she's anything but sexy. I always found her a bit of a dog myself.
Yes but how many peroxide women out there who've experienced the liberation of being blonde (I've certainly spoken to enough who assure me its true?) might owe that to Debbie Harry?.

I think for those of us who were stuck in this 'new wave' late 70's early 80's generation thing in our impressionable years she represented a certain sultry allure, more than what you might call phyiscial beauty. The sort of girlfriend you'd like to have, but in fairness, you knew damn well would scare the living daylights out of you, before eating you alive. I think it might have had something to do with that 'New York' street credo too?

I think I'm right in saying that she's the only overseas artist (i use the would loosely) whose had No1's in the '70's, 80's, 90's and 00's. Personally I think Debbie sowed and Madonna reaped, and depsite their apparent wealth and fame, I'll still maintain the former was the better. (though right now I'm struggling to think what the 90's hit was?).
Warbler, I hate to puncture any man's balloons :o but you'll find liberated 'peroxide blondes' way, way, way before Ms. Harry's tonsorial adjustment: Mae West was the original 'blonde bombshell' and boy, did she do things (and men) 'her way'!
Am I alone in never having a specific teenage fantasy? Anyone who looked alright was amply qualified for a place in the pantheon of Simmo's fantasies in a Billy Connolly "You'll do" kind of way.
I would've chosen to devide my time between Matt Goss and George Michael. Aged five I had a huge crush on a teacher at my school. He wore lovely red shoes and a red mock leather tie :wub:
Originally posted by PDJ@Jun 3 2006, 12:45 PM
Louise Wener from the band Sleeper.
Now a successful writer. I've just read her novel "The Big Blind", which, as you might guess from the title, has a poker theme.
Never really had a teenage fantasy as such. Agree with warbler about Union City Blues, and would throw Atomic up there with it. The compilation is on my mp3 player.
I loved Blondie - 'Heart of Glass' has to be one of the most original-sounding pop songs, and I love the way that Debbie ranged from growly to a pitch which only dogs could hear.

I had an intense week with a crush on Cliff Richard :confused: but never on any other pop/rock/film stars when I was a teenager. I had a summer of lonely longing for Paul Tulk (on my 1956 racing calendar given me by a racing-keen uncle) and a long-term pash for Lester Piggott. I'd have fainted clean away if I'd ever got within 100 yards of him.

I had a 'thing' for tall, very thin men with big noses, regardless of who they were - I remember that I spied one in the Tate when I was about 14 and fell madly in love with him for ages. I was excruciatingly shy through my teens, so they were all safe from molestation. What a waste! :cry: