Ten to Follow Competition 2022-23


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
Apologies for the delay in this. I have compiled 250 horses which I will attempt to post tomorrow. I have them on a spreadsheet and hopefully someone will assist with the scoring! :rolleyes:

Maruco has been incredibly generous and offered to not only sponsor the prize to the tune of £100 to the winner and £50 to the runner-up but also the trophy which I will organise and will become a perpetual trophy engraved in memory of both Diamond Geezer who of course ran this competition (he will be such a hard act to follow!) and Col, the founder of this forum. Both are hugely missed and I hope this goes a little way to keeping their memory alive on here.

I will stick to DGs excellent rules but can members please register their intention to participate on this thread.

But you do need to be quick as the competition will start this coming Friday prior to the first race at Cheltenham.

Can a moderator please sticky this and also the following threads I will post over the next 12 hours.
That’s great! Keep them coming! Hopefully the email will do it’s job and the rules and list will be up by this evening.
I'll enter for sure. Awesome work to compile a list of 250 horses; it's very much appreciated.