Tens Machines

Shadow Leader

At the Start
Nov 9, 2003
I bought one of these babies today - and was pleasantly surprised. For someone who is currently taking enough codeine to murder a small country in order to attempt to combat the pain I was impressed. The first setting I used it on was far better that the second one; it had an almost immediate noticeable effect & lasted for a while. Not only was the pain gone but the mobility in the joint was improved enormously. The acid test will be to see whether it can stand riding - I'll wear it for the 15 mins before I get on - as I am currently in so much pain whilst riding I'm close to giving up. That's despite a double, often treble dose of co-codamol (pharmacy strength, 8/500 - but a triple dose is fairly hefty) before getting mounted which tends to make me drowsy as hell whilst allowing enough pain to manifest itself that sometimes I think the joint is going to either dislocate or snap entirely.

So basically what I'm saying is that I would certainly recommend these fellas - Lloyd's are flogging them for £15 at the moment on special - if you are in a lot of pain. I am looking at a fairly long wait before getting the problem sorted through surgery and have been waiting for a long time already hence why I was trying to find an alternative to slowly killing myself through taking constantly high doses of codeine - I'm talking months of double or treble the recommended daily dose for the non-prescrip stuff on a daily basis on top of prescribed anti-inflammatories. It's well worth a try.
Your kindness knows no bounds, AC! I thank you. :D

Was really illustrating that they do work, and for proper pain too. And I'm a stubborn bitch, I refuse to give in!!
Aldaniti, my wife has used a TENS for her spinal arthritis and it did give her some relief.

I think it would be most effective where the pain is faily localized.
It's not muscle pain I'm suffering from, it's joint pain. It works on all types of pain as it stimulates the endorphins in the region. A friend of mine recently used one throughout her labour and said it helped a lot. Before anyone comments - it may say in the instructions not to use if pregnant or during labour but the midwife supplied it her!
Yep, I have one of these on long term hire from the hospital and I would recommend them also. That, together with having an acupuncture needle in my ear (which I can manipulate when needed), has helped me reduce my nasty drug medication considerably, and I am in a lot less general pain (I suffer from a chronic pain condition).

My pain isn't muscle or joint related, as far as I know a TENS will combat any type of pain because it works by re-directing or re-training the messages that are sent to your brain (or something like that!).
Purchased one this morning & it is interesting to say the least :eek:

If it does not help with the pain etc I can think of a multitude of evil uses :what:

The first one would be to slap a pad on each butt check of my OH & turn it up to 8! that'll get him up in the morning :laughing: