Terry Mills - on the mend again


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
As many of you probably know, Terry Mills was under the weather last year with cancer. I'm not dead sure what particular innard was involved, but it was supposedly all clear and he'd been looking a lot better during the past few months. Anyway, we told him a few meetings ago at Lingfield that we thought he was looking much better, and he said he hadn't had very good news that morning. We didn't pursue the matter, apart from make sympathetic noises.

I had a natter today with someone who's known him for donkey's years, and he's had another operation - they did have to open him up for this - where a very tiny cancerous bit was found, removed safely, and he's on the mend again.

He's a good old stick. One of my colleagues said that one of his own mates used to visit the downs to watch Terry's horses work. He became poorly and had to go into hospital and then recuperate for some time. When he finally got back up to see the morning work-outs, Millsy asked him where he'd been. On hearing that the chap had been in a bit of a state, he immediately offered him (without even knowing him, other than they'd greeted each other) financial help if he wanted it. A very kind gesture.