That and this...

Funny you should ask. If we use the average horse splooge which is approximately 65ml, a litre bottle of Frankel's nut butter would cost £2,000,000.

That's not including the bottle either... though you'd hope they toss that in for free.

Funny you should mention that !
Was just cogitating on that very issue as it happens.

Human sperm volume -- 3.5 ml average (Ignore the 10cc nonsense -- that was just some popster band trying to big themselves up)
Horse sperm volume .... 65 ml
Pig sperm volume ........ 250 ml.

Conclusion; nothing comes close to pigus-pigus in the casanova stakes. His stamina and durability should shame us all.
Surely following this shocking revelation the thread should have been called this, that, and the other? :blink:
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What would you do with a litre bottle of Frankel's population paste? Stick it on the mantlepiece? Give it to a well known eighties pop star?
:lol: :lol:

I knew that some of you zombies must have a sense of humour. Well done.