The Corruption Chronicles

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
From the RP.

THE BHA has charged eight people, including trainer Jeff Pearce and jockey Jerry O'Dwyer, over the running and riding of a horse at Lingfield 18 months ago.
Jeff Pearce: charged by BHA
PICTURE: Edward Whitaker
Former Classic-winning trainer Geoff Huffer is one of the other six people charged in the wake of Sabre Light's fifth-place finish in a claimer on December 17, 2008.
A disciplinary panel hearing will be held in due course.

Doesn't look good - glad to see they're clearing up the back-log of investigations though :)
This is the press release from the BHA. If you don't want to read it all, the BHA are suggested they laid it then stopped it. Have a look at the replay of Sabre Light's run and judge for yourself whether he was seen to best effect.

09 Jun 2010 12:00

· Trainer Jeff Pearce and jockey Jerry O’Dwyer charged along with six others, including former trainer Geoff Huffer

Following the running of SABRE LIGHT in the Holly and the Ivy Claiming Stakes at Lingfield on the 17th December 2008, the British Horseracing Authority has concluded its investigation and charged 8 individuals, including Sabre Light’s trainer and jockey, Jeff Pearce and Jerry O’Dwyer and former trainer Geoff Huffer, with serious breaches of the Rules of Racing.
Jeff Pearce is charged with the following breaches of the Rules of Racing:
Rule 201(v) in that it is alleged that he committed a corrupt or fraudulent practice or conspired with others for the commission of a corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to racing in Great Britain:
i) By causing Sabre Light to run in the race other than on its merits and with the intention that it should not win the race; or alternatively
ii) By conniving at the fact that Sabre Light was to run in the race other than on its merits and with the intention that it should not win the race so as to enable profit to be made from laying Sabre Light to lose.
A further breach of Rule 201(v) in that it is alleged he dishonestly concealed the true ownership of Sabre Light, thereby committing a corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to racing in Great Britain and/or conspired with others to conceal the true ownership of Sabre Light.
Rule 243, on a date or dates prior to 28 January 2009, in that it is alleged he communicated to Geoff Huffer for material reward or benefit in kind inside information about a horse or horses which were not owned by Mr Huffer.
Rule 220(viii) in that it is alleged he misled or attempted to mislead the BHA as to the identity of the true owner of Sabre Light and by failing to reveal to the BHA when interviewed the existence of a ‘second’ mobile phone owned and operated by him.
Rule 155, by virtue of the alleged intentional failure on the part of Jerry O’Dwyer to ensure that Sabre Light was run on its merits.
Jerry O’Dwyer is charged with a breach of Rule 157 in that it is alleged he intentionally failed to ensure that the Sabre Light ran on its merits.
Geoff Huffer is charged with the following breaches of the Rules of Racing:
Rule 247 in that it is alleged he layed Sabre Light (which was allegedly owned by him and not the Registered Owner) to lose and/or instructed or caused another person or persons on his behalf to do so.
Rule 201(v) in that it is alleged he committed a corrupt or fraudulent practice and/or conspired with others for the commission of a corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to racing in Great Britain:
i) By causing Sabre Light to run in the race other than on its merits and with the intention that it should not win; and/or
ii) By laying Sabre Light to lose the and/or instructing another person or persons on his behalf to do so:
(1) with the benefit of inside information relating to the horse’s prospects in the race, and/or
(2) in the knowledge that Sabre Light was to run in the race other than on its merits and with the intention that the horse should not win;
Rule 201(v)in that it is alleged he dishonestly concealed the true ownership of the Sabre Light, thereby committing a corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to racing in Great Britain, and/or conspired with others to conceal the true ownership of Sabre Light.
Rule 220(ix) in that it is alleged he caused Jeff Pearce, a licensed trainer, to provide to him on a date or dates prior to 28 January 2009 inside information for reward or benefit in kind, such conduct being a breach of Rule 243 of the Orders and Rules of Racing on the part of Mr Pearce.
Rule 220(viii) in that it is alleged he misled or attempted to mislead the BHA as to the identity of the true owner of Sabre Light; and as to the provision to him of inside information by Jeff Pearce.
Gary Banham, Mark Benton, Peter Root and Sharon Williams are charged with a breach of Rule 201(v) in that it is alleged they committed a corrupt or fraudulent practice or conspired with others for the commission of a corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to racing in Great Britain by laying Sabre Light to lose and/or instructed another person or persons on their behalf to do so;
i) with the benefit of inside information relating to Sabre Light’s prospects in the Race, and/or
ii) in the knowledge that Sabre Light was to run other than on its merits and with the intention that it should not win.
Gary Banham is additionally charged with a breach of Rule (A)30.1 in that it is alleged he acted in a manner that was prejudicial to the integrity, proper conduct or good reputation of horseracing in Great Britain in that on 17th March 2010 he physically threatened and verbally abused two Investigating Officers of the BHA.
Sharon Williams is additionally charged with a breach of Rule 220(vii) in that it is alleged she failed to provide information to the BHA when requested to do so in relation to the administration and control of racing and failed to comply with a requirement by the BHA that she be interviewed in connection with her laying of Sabre Light to lose.
Fran O’Brien is charged with a breach of Rule 220(vii) in that it is alleged he provided inaccurate information in relation to the administration and/or control of racing by holding himself out as the owner of Sabre Light or alternatively by allowing himself to be held out by others as the owner of Sabre Light, between 19 October 2008 and 5 January 2009.
A Disciplinary Panel hearing will be convened in due course.

Notes to Editors:

- The various accounts risked just under £109k on the race and won just under £30k.
- The current Guideline Penalties for the key offences are as follows:
Rule 201v (corrupt or fraudulent act)
Disqualify or exclude for 6 months to 10 years
Rule 243 (information for reward)
Disqualify for 18 months to 5 years.
Rule 157 / Rule 155 (deliberately not riding a horse to obtain the best possible placing for personal reward or knowing that it had been laid to lose)
Disqualify for 3 to 15 years
Further update from the RP:

BRITISH racing must brace itself for another major corruption inquiry with Newmarket trainer Jeff Pearce, jockey Jerry O'Dwyer and former Classic-winning trainer Geoff Huffer among eight people facing an array of BHA charges related to the running and riding of Sabre Light in a claimer at Lingfield in December 2008.

Sabre Light, then three, was uneasy on the exchanges before his bid for a four-timer in the 1m2f event, in which he also drifted to 7-2 second favourite before finishing fifth under O'Dwyer, and the BHA immediately launched an investigation having earlier contacted officials at the track to alert them to the betting patterns.

Sabre Light ran in the colours of Newmarket publican Fran O'Brien, but the BHA alleges he was owned by Huffer, who is also accused of laying the horse to lose with the benefit of inside information.

The charges facing Pearce include preventing Sabre Light running on its merits, dishonestly concealing the true ownership of Sabre Light, and attempting to mislead BHA investigators.

O'Dwyer is charged with a breach of rule 157 in that it is alleged he intentionally failed to ensure Sabre Light ran on its merits.

Love how this makes front page news on the RP despite incidents like this happening on an almost daily basis now. I just hope that if they are found guilty they get a reasonable punishment as opposed to the usual farcical ones.
Only 'cos I said you can't call someone a cheat when there was no evidence via officials holding an inquiry, naughty boy! The RP - or any other publication - would be sued to its last penny if it printed allegations without evidence to support them, as would or could this forum.

Huffer was supposedly already out of the training game by then, but used to visit Lingfield on occasion - hmm, funny, haven't seen him since! It's rather a shame it takes so long to put a case together, but I suppose if there's a chance you're going to pull someone's livelihood from under him, it's got to be pretty watertight.
Still would love to know how Jim Best still gets away with declaring two horses for a race and without fail pulling one of them out every time.

Can't be just coincidental.
One name is very interesting! Has alot of connections to alot of people in Newmarket. This could be a can of worms if it chose to be!
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